most diverse group of invertebrates (1,130,000 species) 75% of all animal species jointed appendages – important characteristic - adapted for walking, feeding, sensing, and mating
hard, thick, and made out of a carbohydrate called chitin land arthropods must have a waxy layer to protect against water loss
Molting = shedding of the old exoskeleton molts need to occur for arthropod to increase in size or add appendages (legs) new, softer exoskeleton forms underneath old skeleton new exoskeleton will harden overtime
3 fused segments: 1. head 2. thorax 3.abdomen ( fusion allows for better movement and protection) some arthropods have a fused head and thorax called a cephalothorax
Three types: 1.Gills - aquatic arthropods 2. Book lungs - spiders, horseshoe crab - leaf-like plates filled w/ air
3. Tracheal tubes - terrestrial insects - branching network of hollow air passages All respiration based on diffusion of gases (Oxygen/Carbon dioxide)
Antennae -- detect movement, sound and chemicals; used for communication (moth, mosquito, bee) pheromones --chemical odor signals can be given off for communication
Usually - one pair of compound eyes and 3-8 simple eyes simple eye = one lens used for detecting light compound eye = many lenses, detect movements and colors
Consists of 2 ventral nerve cords, anterior “brain”, and several ganglia ganglia serve as control centers for specific body sections
Open system, blood pumped by one or more hearts heartvesselstissuesheart (through open body spaces)
Complete gut mouth parts called mandibles (jaws) adapted for chewing, holding, sucking, or biting spiders have chelicerae, 1 st appendage adapted for piercing or fangs spiders and crustaceans also have pedipalps, used for holding food, sensing, and even mating
Insect Digestive Tract Esophagus Crop Gizzard Salivary gland Gastric ceaca Midgut Intestine Rectum anus
Use Malphigian Tubules located in abdomen empty into intestine
Muscles attached to inner surface of exoskeleton External fertilization– aquatic (water) Internal fertilization– terrestrial (land) some species exhibit parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction—new insect develops from an unfertilized egg.) ex. Bees, ants, wasps
Incomplete Metamorphosis egg, nymph, adult
Grasshopper Anatomy omalea.html omalea.html omalea.html resources/dissection+activities+and+resou rces/ resources/dissection+activities+and+resou rces/ resources/dissection+activities+and+resou rces/ Above is excellent picture 62InsectMorphology/Morph03.htm
pper-movie.htm pper-movie.htm pper-movie.htm y/Arthropo/Default.php?FlashLabModule.s wf?&Loadmoviename=../ArthTrac/Inse_Ho pp_05_lb.swf?E?Md2ChapterMcp1?Md2C h4SectionMcp1?Md2Ch4Sc2TopicMcp1
1/bio11/units/ecology/grasshopperdissecti onlab.PDF 1/bio11/units/ecology/grasshopperdissecti onlab.PDF 1/bio11/units/ecology/grasshopperdissecti onlab.PDF Above anatomy of digestive tract