Alan De Salvio Deputy Director - Operations.  Intra-air basin and Inter-air district ERC trade to AVAQMD (150 tons (per year) of NOx)  $300,000 in unobligated.


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Presentation transcript:

Alan De Salvio Deputy Director - Operations

 Intra-air basin and Inter-air district ERC trade to AVAQMD (150 tons (per year) of NOx)  $300,000 in unobligated FY11/12 Carl Moyer funds to AVAQMD; $40,000 in unobligated FY11/12 Carl Moyer funds to SJVAPCD  Met with SCAQMD Board at their May 2014 retreat  RACT revision to Rule 464 – Oil-Water Separators  3.25% permit fee increase effective 1/1/2015  Sponsoring legislation to allow local regulation of unpaved road speeds

 In May 2014 expanded existing Dust Control Plan guidance (dust rule enforceable and CEQA mitigation) to include specific solar project fugitive dust control (construction AND operation): SCAQMD 403 signage Exposed sand/fines stabilization Perimeter wind fencing (4 ft) and maintenance Road, parking, earthen surface stabilization Will be retrofit as required by Complaint/Nuisance to older projects

 In direct response to USEPA request we have prioritized identifying SIP cleanup actions  As an initial action we have requested state and federal concurrence on the invalidity of SIP submittals affecting 23 rules for both San Bernardino County and Riverside County (October 1, 2014 request to CARB)  Future SIP cleanup actions include: identifying ancient SIP rule removals, expanding SIP applicability of selected past MDAQMD SIP actions, and correction/synchronizing MDAQMD/CARB/USEPA SIP databases

 Federal RACT SIP supplement identified 461 – Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing, 462 – Organic Liquid Loading, 463 – Storage of Organic Liquids, 1104 – Organic Solvent Degreasing, 1160 – Internal Combustion Engines, 1161 – Portland Cement Kilns as needing RACT update  75 ppb RACT SIP update will add Rule 1157 – Boilers and Process Heaters  Many of these will be minor updates, but 1157, 1160 and 1161 may not be minor

 MDAQMD currently has 1014 engine permits (455,420 horsepower)  Current rule covers 7500 square miles (federal ozone non-attainment area) with 500 hp applicability, controlling 17 engine permits (58,832 hp) – 1990s RACT  Preliminary draft rule covers 20,000 square miles with 50 hp applicability, affecting 122 permits (177,629 hp) – 10 of which will control (29,954 hp) – presumptive 2014 Federal RACT  ~1854 tons per year of ultimate NOx reductions (by 75 ppb plan attainment year)  Public draft soon

 TEOM and Hi-Vol conversion to BAMs (one co-located Hi-Vol retained in Victorville)  Panoramic site cameras coming – one in testing  Contracting for ozone mapping  Expanding air quality forecasting and air quality data availability on MDAQMD website  Developing increased granularity burn/no- burn forecast tool (current forecast is monolithic for entire air basin)

 Strong community outreach and education effort, including support of Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), science fairs, poster contest, solar cook-off, Exemplar awards, health advisories (high winds and wildfires)  Continue to make progress on carbon-neutral building (now four electric vehicle charging stations and considering expanding pv system to car shades)