OVERVIEW Communication between cells is critical to survival Cell signaling requires a signaling molecule, or ligand, and a receptor protein to function Interaction between the ligand and receptor is called signal transduction The result of transduction is cellular response
TYPES OF SIGNALS Peptides Large proteins Amino acids Nucleotides Steroids Lipids Nitric oxide
HOW DOES THIS WORK? Shape of the ligand and the receptor need to be complementary Binding induces a shape or conformational change Conformation change produces a cellular response
FOUR TYPES OF SIGNALING Determined by distance from source to receptor Fifth type—autocrine—cells send signals to themselves
WHY HAVE SIGNALING? To produce a response The key to producing the response is phosphorylation Phosphorylation of proteins alters their function and essentially turns them “on” or “off”
PROTEIN KINASES AND PHOPHATASES Protein kinases add a phosphate The phosphate attaches to the –OH group of either serine, threonine, or tyrosine Two classes: serine-threonine kinases and tyrosine kinases Phosphatases reverse the action of protein kinases
RECEPTORS ARE DEFINED BY LOCATION Intracellular receptors bind hydrophobic ligands Cell surface or membrane receptors bind hydrophilic receptors
SECOND MESSENGERS Membrane proteins sometimes utilize other cytoplasmic substances to relay messages The substances can be ions or other small molecules, but they are referred to as second messengers Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) Calcium ions (Ca +2 )
INTRACELLULAR RECEPTORS Small lipid soluble molecules can pass through the membrane Steroids are one of the simplest and most direct intracellular receptors Cortisol Estrogen Progesterone Testosterone
STEROID RECEPTOR ACTION Primary function of steroid receptors is to regulate gene expression Each receptor has three functional domains Hormone-binding domain DNA-binding domain Domain to interact with coactivators to regulate level of gene transcription
ROLE OF COACTIVATORS Large number of coactivators Receptors can interact with many coactivators eliciting different responses Estrogen has different effects in uterine vs. mammary tissue, the difference is due to coactivators
OTHER INTRACELLULAR RECEPTORS Guanylyl cyclase binds NO allowing it to catalyze the synthesis of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which can cause muscle relaxation Acetylcholine binds epithelial cells causing a release of Ca+2 that stimulates NO production that causes cGMP production to relax epithelial smooth muscle Sildenafil or Viagra function using the cGMP pathway
SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION THROUGH RTKS Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) Influence: cell cycle, metabolism, cell migration, cell proliferation, virtually all aspects Alterations to RTK function can result in cancer Receptors can get stuck in the “on” position Plants have similar receptors, Serine-Threonine Kinases
THE INSULIN RECEPTOR Docking proteins are exemplified by the insulin receptor Insulin response protein binds to the phosphorylated receptor Signal passed from the response protein to glycogen synthase Glucose gets converted to glycogen thereby lowering blood sugar
ADAPTER PROTEINS A class of proteins that bind phosphotyrosines Do not participate in signal transduction, but act as a link between receptors and downstream events RAS
CASCADES CAN AMPLIFY SIGNALS Mitogen activated protein kinases (MAP kinases) Mitogen is a chemical that stimulates cell division MAP kinases are activated by a phosphorylation cascade or kinase cascade Amplification comes from the ability of the enzymes to run the reactions over and over—small number of molecules give a large response
SCAFFOLD PROTEINS Used to organize cascades in the cytoplasm to increase effectiveness Physically arranged sequence is more efficient than a sequence that relies on diffusion to move molecules Disadvantage—reduces amplification
CLOSER LOOK AT RAS It is the link between RTK and MAP kinases It is a small GTP binding protein Active when bound to GTP and inactive when bound to GDP RAS is mutated in many human tumors Works by exchanging GDP for GTP through GEFs (guanine exchange factors) Can be terminated by GTPase activity, which is controlled by GAP proteins
RTK INACTIVATION Two methods of turning “off” RTKs Dephosphorylation Internalization—receptor is taken up by vesicle and degraded and recycled
G PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTORS (GPCR) Single largest category of receptors in animal cells Diverse ligands: ions, organic odorants, peptides, proteins, lipids, photons Seven transmembrane domains Found in virtually all eukaryotic cells Latest count, 799, about half involved in taste and smell In mice, 1000, with five subgroups
LINKING RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS GPCRs are the link between the receptor and the effector proteins that elicit responses Acts as a switch, when “on” the effectors can cause a cellular response
EFFECTORS CAN PRODUCE MULTIPLE RESPONSES Many effectors activated by G proteins have multiple responses due to second messengers Common second messengers: Adenylyl cyclase-produces cAMP and IP 3 Phospholipase C—produces DAG
CYCLIC AMP cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA), which adds phosphates to other proteins Effect depends on cell type In muscle cells PKA cause glucose to manufactured and glycogen production to be inhibited Vibrio cholera produces a toxin to turn “on” GCPR, causing large cAMP production, increased Cl - ions to leave the intestine and bring water with them, result: diarrhea
INOSITOL PHOSPHATES AND CALCIUM INOSITOL PHOSPHATES Most common is PIP 2 Substrate of effector protein phospholipase C, which cleaves PIP 2 to make DAG and IP 3 CALCIUM Ca+2 ions are normally low in cytoplasm, but high in the ER IP3 can be bound by ER receptor to release Ca+2
CALMODULIN Ca +2 can bind a 148 amino acid protein called calmodulin When 4 Ca +2 ions bind then calmodulin can activate other proteins Protein kinases Ion channels Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases