Research Plans Computational Neuroscience Jutta Kretzberg University of Antwerp
Important response features Individual cells Cell ensembles Origin of neuronal responses Cellular properties Network interactions Reliability of responses time Central question: Neural coding
Vertebrate retina Currently used systems Leech nervous system
Latency-based retinal coding of visual stimuli during eye movements Retinal ensemble coding under dynamic conditions Mechanisms of retinal coding for global image movement Multi-electrode recordings and data analysis (Bayesian reconstruction, metric-based clustering, information-theoretic methods) Retinal coding - current projects
Simulations based on physiological data (networks of simplified models, multi-compartment models) Retinal coding - future projects Retinal network interactionsHorizontal cell physiology Kolb 1974
200 Leech CNS - current project Electrophysiology and Simulations (intracellular recordings, multi-compartment models) Influence of ion channel distribution on spike activity ExperimentSimulation
Leech CNS - future projects Local bend network Electrophysiology and Simulations (intracellular recordings, multi-compartment & network models) Encoding of touch stimuli Interaction of inputs to interneurons Sources of variability Network interactions between sensor cells Role of electrical connections in the network
Common interests with TNB group Neural codingOrigin of response dynamics Methods Single cells Relevant response features Cell-intrinsic anatomy and biophysics Intracellular & patch clamp recordings Multi-compartment models Spike time analysis Multiple cells Correlations between responses Network interactions Multi-electrode recordings Network models Correlation analysis
New impulses Sensory coding Well-defined input and output Direct link to behavior Analysis of retinal network Multi-electrode recordings Several data analysis methods Analysis of leech network Easily approachable microcircuit Close sensory-motor interaction Similar questions and methods: Comparison of different systems