Responding to Dissatisfaction Would Michael Jordan…Would Michael Jordan… –Let an opponent make an easy basket? –Turn the ball over on purpose? Why not?Why not?
Responding to Dissatisfaction What may happen to your definition of roles and obligations?What may happen to your definition of roles and obligations? –Narrowing toward explicit contractual obligations –Economic exchange: “this for that” Exclusive focus on in-role performanceExclusive focus on in-role performance
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Behaviors thatBehaviors that –Go above and beyond the call of duty –Are not part of an employee’s job description & often are not explicitly rewarded Are motivated by a desire to help the organization out of a sense of obligationAre motivated by a desire to help the organization out of a sense of obligation Contextual performance: “Extra-role”Contextual performance: “Extra-role” –Supports the broader organizational, social, and psychological environment Bridges the gap between required job tasks and the needs of the organizationBridges the gap between required job tasks and the needs of the organization
OCB (cont.) Importance of OCB –Significant organizational change Difficult to specify all of the required behaviorsDifficult to specify all of the required behaviors –Coordination and cooperation among employees is critical Prevent work from falling through the cracksPrevent work from falling through the cracks
Dimensions of OCB AltruismAltruism –Helping others who have been absentwho have been absent with work problemswith work problems with heavy work loadswith heavy work loads Civic virtueCivic virtue –Attending and participating in voluntary meetings –Keeping up with developments
Dimensions of OCB CourtesyCourtesy –Help someone prevent a problem “heads up”“heads up” SportsmanshipSportsmanship –Tolerating inconveniences without whining ConscientiousnessConscientiousness –General conservation, not being wasteful
Who benefits from OCB?Who benefits from OCB? –“An organization which depends solely on its blueprints of prescribed behavior is a very fragile system” What factors predict OCB?What factors predict OCB?