Effective Strategies for Professional Development in Technology Integration Carol O. Free AETE 731
Technology Integration Empowers students to think critically Promotes problem-based learning Encourages collaboration Requires new approaches to professional development activities
Habits Promote imitation of existing processes Create comfort zones Resist new methods of instruction Resist new challenge of loss of control Resist due to fear or intimidation Barriers to Effective Implementation
Typical Technology Training Simple One or two-day workshops Focused on software Time Substantial time required Evolves over time
Barriers to Effective Implementation Limited Access to Resources Insufficient hardware Dissatisfaction can develop Technology relegated to labs Promotes apathy and frustration
Strategies for Effective Implementation Modification of Habits Takes time, patience & encouragement Analysis of Development Activities Real, meaningful, and on-going Should not require technical expertise Focused on modifying instructional techniques To support inquiry To become a facilitator and fellow problem solver To assist students in integrating diverse experiences
Strategies for Effective Implementation Professional Collaboration Critical reflection Promotes further change Analysis of instructional practices On-going dialogue with colleagues Leverage Experience of Stake Holders Involves everyone affiliated with the school Recognizes value of local businesses
Strategies for Effective Implementation Mentoring Motivated teacher-leaders Begins immediately after training Modeling best practices Support and encouragement Fosters close relationships Encourages duplication
Strategies for Effective Implementation Administrative Lead by example Provision of resources Incorporated into staff evaluation Establish flexible schedules Encourage peer coaching Allow visits among teachers Plan meetings to evaluate technology
Technology Integration Requires comprehensive effort Bottom line: Impact on student learning Powerful tool to support collaborative learning environments Catalyst for change Mandated in educational standards
Effective Technology Integration is.... A Journey, not a Destination!! Have a GREAT trip!!