Faculty Climate Survey 2013 Gesemia Nelson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Methodology Survey of Entire Faculty of MSU Denver 776 Affiliate Faculty Members 538 Full-Time Faculty Members Spring 2013 – 2 nd wave of study that began in 2010 Response Rate Affiliate Faculty = 32.7% Full-Time Faculty = 60.4%
Leadership is Effective
Support for University Initiatives in the Abstract
Satisfaction with Implementation of University Initiatives
Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP)
Expectations for Performance are Reasonable
Resources Used in Three Areas of Assessment
Satisfaction with Resources
Satisfaction with Technological Resources
Satisfaction with Forms of Compensation
Perceptions of Work Environment
Campus is Friendly Towards…
Experienced Discrimination because of…
Overall Satisfaction with…
Demographics Rank Generally speaking, higher ranked faculty members were more likely to express dissatisfaction than lower ranked faculty members Tenure Status Generally speaking, tenured faculty were less likely to be satisfied than non-tenured faculty School Faculty members in the School of Business tended to be the most satisfied while faculty members in LAS tended to be least satisfied
Demographics Gender In many instance, gender was not statistically significant Where it was significant, men tended to express stronger views than women about a given topic Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity was not statistically significant for many variables Where significant, Non-White faculty tended to be less satisfied than White faculty Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation was not statistically significant in the majority of cases