Internal Conflict in Sub- Saharan Africa Wesley Fan Reece Morgan Katheryn Shi Nicholas Van Bemmelen
Map of Conflicts
Central African Republic 1996-present Cause: general civil unrest and poor government management 3 army mutinies since 1996, economic crisis causes public dissatisfaction and violent protest Methods: mutiny, violence, protesting, marching demonstration at Bangui Goals: better government
Sierra Leone Cause: attempted overthrow of governments by Revolutionary United Front (RUF) Most of RUF consists of kidnapped children Civil war in Liberia helped start actual fighting Methods: protest, fighting and massacres Goals: maintain control of diamond fields
Map of Conflicts
Ivory Coast 1999-present Cause: many changes in government and unfair elections that created unrest among supporters of different political parties Many presidential candidates held unfair elections, barring other candidates from running or claiming poll fraud when they did not win Methods: coups and fighting Goals: a fair presidential process
Sudan Second Civil War - extension of first Cause: President Gaafar Nimeiri's decision to break the Addis Ababa Agreement by imposing Sharia instead of a democracy Fighting between Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Methods: war Goals: abolish Islamic Law
Sudan Continued 2005 Darfur Conflict Cause: ethical conflicts in the region between Sudanese Arabs and blacks Started in western Sudan Sudanese government is aiding the Janjaweed - denies Multiple organizations rebelling against the Janjaweed, some have signed peace treaties, others continue to fight Methods: war crimes, rebellion attacks, unofficial genocide Goals: better quality of life for rebels
Map of Conflicts
Angola 1992-present Cause: UNITA charges that the MPLA party had committed electoral fraud Methods: sanctions by UN, fighting Goal: peace among the warring political parties of Angola
Senegal Cause: disrespect for cultural norms, poor economy, unemployment, land rights Independence rebellion (MFDC) against central government in Dakar Methods: mines, massacres, torture Goals: independence from central government in Dakar
Map of Conflicts
Burundi Cause: differences among the Hutu and Tutsi tribes Hutus launched a rebellion against the Tutsi minority’s domination of Burundi in unsuccessful Methods: war and violence, massacre Goals: find peace among the tribes
Rwanda Cause: Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invades in attempt to overthrow Hutuled Rwandan government, peace until downing of presidential plane causes ethnic violence leading to massacre Methods: war and massacre, genocide Goal: to create a new coalition government