Dedicated to that beloved one who will come and will complete our wisdom and ethic. I hope that every page of this pave your way
People assume that they think from morning till night, but they do not know the difference between day dreaming, illusion, and recalling memories with true thinking and using wisdom. Imam Ali (PBUH) said: whenever you hear some true words, become all ears and put it into your faith and action, rather than remembering it only to quote and narrate. The narrators of knowledge are too many but their observances are few, so we need to ask God for help.
ONE WHO CONSIDERS THE CONSEQUENCES, NEVER CRIES IN THE END. Attention to the reason and benefit of any work is the first point and among the most important practices that could be our everyday preoccupation. Anyone who understands his goal will find the right methods through which he can achieve his goal.
Rather saying too much, we should say less; we should keep the thirst for asking more in the next days. Among the ways to nurture thinking and contemplation are: practicing to see beauties and think positively, not following wrong tradition, increasing useful knowledge, stories and intellectual activities, having logic, thinking independently (not influenced by atmosphere), finding the causes, classifying, discussing and collective thinking, finding and verifying presumptions and other items that are expressed informally in this book.
There are many important things but there are also more important things. Our expectation from our mother is important, but mother’s respect and peace is more important.
Parents must keep referring their child to himself. They should leave the decision up to their child by not defending and not answering on his behalf. Therefore, the child will be able to speak for himself, think indendently and activate his wisdom. Every child who is born has wisdom but he needs to activate it.
Our life won’t be beautiful unless we stop controlling other people. Controlling is a method of the naive people. We should find whether the people who had good effects on our lives by reviewing our memories wanted domination and reproach and anger and.....? Imam Ali (PBUH) said: silence more and your contemplation will be more, your heart luminous and people safe from you.
Imam Ali (PBUH) says: One who knows his values, his lust and caprice will become worthless to him.
We can be quiet more than speaking, express necessary ideas shortly and calmly without insisting. We can also forget many unproductive conflicts.
The root of many of sensitivities, irritabilities and anxieties is being dissatisfied with oneself. Some of the reasons of self dissatisfaction are negligence and wasting life. Also, comparing oneself with others would be another reason.
People’s maturity and success do not depend on their age. The sign of growing is how much we exit childhood and reach adulthood. A child asks to be fed, wants to be taken to parks, wants everything and always is tagalong. They should always be careful so he does not get sad, angry, stay hungry, and be alone; otherwise But an adult is appreciative, sees beauties, thanks, praises and enjoys. A child needs receiving but an adult needs expensing. A child has expectations but an adult loves and appreciates. A child reviews other’s tasks but an adult minds his duties. A child is sensitive and worried but an adult is compatible and cheerful. A child has high costs, is dependent and has expectations but an adult has low costs, is independent and hardworking.
If maturity is necessary for a successful life, the mature person is able to see beauties and admire beauties. He can have a role in his and the other’s lives. He can enjoy the opportunity for marriage in order to express all these capabilities and the creation of happiness.
If one says to you: “I love you and will always remember you”, would you ask him/her “what would you do for me” or “what would you not do for me?” What can we say if God ask us “nobody loves me”?
The wise person is he who comes to this world empty-handed, but leaves it with full- handed. Pure servants have passed The Seven Cities of Love, yet many are thinking whether to listen to their creator or leave their hands in Satan’s hands. Imam Kazim (PBUH) says: The most valuable man is who does not consider the world as a value for himself. Behold that indeed there is no right price for your bodies except paradise, so do not trade them for something else.
Author: Maryam Adib Author: Maryam Adib Contents: Principles of thinking and contemplation efficient communicative skills skills for dealing with issues Basic intellectual skills Good thoughts are from God
Hoping for that day have control over inputs to your mind and senses prevents you from mistakes in perceptions and decisions. minimizes our worries and angers elevates our thinking and contemplation Moreover, it makes us experts in improving issues one after another.
Student School of Quran and Etrat, Tehran university Address: No 1437, North Kargar street, Near Rahnama street, Enghelab Eslami square, Tehran Tel:
The world and the people on the earth are nothing. Since you are nothing, do not fight with others for nothing.