JOURNAL READ AND RESPOND! “WHEN THE MIRROR LIES” What is BDD? How does BDD affect ones life on a daily basis? Where can you go for more info or help?
WARM-UP Fact or Myth: Eating disorders affect only females. Myth: Eating disorders affect females more than males, but males do develop eating disorders. Because of this myth, males are less likely to seek help for an eating disorder. What factors other than gender might keep someone from seeking help for an eating disorder?
BODY IMAGE Body image is the perception a person has of his or her body appearance Dove Commercials Evolution Beauty Pressure Killing us Softly Killing us Softly full Doc PhotoSHop
ANOREXIA NERVOSA A person with anorexia nervosa does not eat enough food to maintain a healthy weight. Possible Causes: Lack of chemical that regulates mood Low self-esteem or desire to please others History of troubled relationships
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Symptoms include: weight loss, slowed heart & breathing rates, dry skin, lowered body temperature, and growth of fine body hair. Loss of menstrual period in females. Health risks: Starve to death Lack of essential minerals can cause heart to stop
ANOREXIA NERVOSA: TREATMENT People with anorexia usually deny their problem and need encouragement to get help Doctors, nurses and dietitians work together to stop weight loss and change the person’s eating habits Mental health work to address underlying emotional problems
BULIMIA People who have bulimia go on uncontrolled eating binges followed by purging, or removing, the food from their bodies. They purge the food by making themselves vomit or by using laxatives. Most people with bulimia maintain their weight within their normal range Possible causes: same as anorexia, plus Purge because they feel better emotionally Purge because they are concerned about weight gain
BULIMIA Possible signs of Bulimia Unable to control eating binges Eating too much food too quickly Eating in private Cycles of weight gain and loss Bathroom visits right after eating Hoarding or storing food
BULIMIA Health risks Dehydration, kidney damage, and lack of necessary vitamins and minerals Stomach acid in vomit irritates the throat and erodes the enamel from teeth Depression and risk of suicide
BULIMIA Treatment People with bulimia are aware of their problem, but are unable to control their behavior. Often ashamed to seek help. Mental health professionals, dentists, and team of doctors
BINGE EATING DISORDER An eating disorder in which a personal regularly has an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food, but without purging People with binge eating disorder cannot stop eating even when they are full. They may intend to eat two slices of bread and end up eating the entire loaf of bread
BINGE EATING DISORDER Possible Causes: Eat to avoid dealing with difficult emotions, such as anger, or with stressful situations Use food to provide temporary relief Binges can lead to depression and guilt Health Risk: Excess weight gain & unhealthy dieting Greater risk for diabetes & high blood pressure
BINGE EATING DISORDER Treatment Learn how to control their eating Eat slowly and deliberately Address underlying emotional issues
EATING DISORDERS AND SPORTS Some athletes are at risk for an eating disorder because their sport has rules about weight or are based on body appearance Name some sports where athletes may be at risk for developing an eating disorder and Why?
BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER A psychological condition in which a person’s dissatisfaction with how he or she looks consumes his or her daily life When the Mirror Lies by Natalia Sylvester