Agenda Introduction Workshop Theory Research Results Conclusion & Recommendations Questions 2
Introduction Mey Mey Wijsenbek (Dutch & Chinese name ) Master in Clinical Psychology in Amsterdam 1998 – 2008 Fortis ( Financial Industry) Recruiter Career Counselor/ Coach HR Advisor Head Recruitment & Trainees Fortis NL Global HR Manager 2006 – 2007 Executive MBA at Rotterdam School of Management Oct 2008 Shell - SIEP Learning Manager Jan 2010 CP Learning Manager (& Operational Learning Centre Manager Rijswijk) 3
Workshop Split in groups of 3-4 people Please do short introduction round Discuss 10 min following questions: What is your impression of the image of HR in your organization? On a scale from 1-10, what score do you think the business gives HR? What aspects do you think influence the image of HR? 4
Theory Word of Mouth Communications Personal NeedsPast Experience Expected Service Perceived Service Service Delivery (including pre- and post- contacts) Translation of Perceptions into Service Quality Specs Management Perceptions of Consumer Expectations External Communications to Consumers Gap 5 Gap 4 Gap 3 Gap 1 Gap 2 The Customer The Marketer The ServQual Model Berry, Parasuraman & Zeithaml 5
Theory The ServQual Model Service DimensionsExplanation ReliabilityThe ability to perform the desired service dependably, accurately and consistently. AssuranceEmployees’ knowledge, courtesy, and ability to convey trust and confidence TangiblesThe physical facilities, equipment, appearance of personnel. EmpathyThe provision of caring, individualized attention to customers. ResponsivenessThe willingness to provide prompt service and help customers. Gap 1. An incorrect translation is made of the customer expectation and needs to the services provided. Gap 2. The developed procedures or specs to deliver the intended service do not lead to the intended result. Gap 3. The employees are not able to execute the service & procedures correctly because of lacking skills, experience, knowledge, time, or workload. Gap 4. External communication has over-promised on what they can deliver. Gap 5. Overall, the expected services are not the same as the delivered or perceived service based on all gaps above. 6
Research Three hypothesis 1. HR has a bad image 2. We would find negative scores on three dimensions 3. We would find a positive correlation between customer dissatisfaction and identified HR Gaps Methodology (Quantitative and Qualitative approach) Semi structured interviews Two questionnaires Business and HR professional Business (Rating Support Functions, ServQual dimensions, HR domains, open suggestions for HR and for Survey) HR Professional (Gaps on HR Domains, open suggestions for HR and for Survey) Participants 10 internal customers 10 HR professionals 7
Results 1 (compared to other support functions) Results from 10 International managers/ employees Question => 1) How important is this support function to your work/ results? Question => 2) How satisfied are your with their services? The HR department is very important to internal customers (second position – 8,6) but scores 5,6 on satisfaction. Facility Mngt scores highest with 6,6 Lowest is Performance Mngt with 4,8. average importance average satisfaction IST9,05,8 HR8,65,6 Compliance7,66,4 Performance Mngt7,34,8 Facility Mngt7,26,6 Corporate Social Responsibility6,86,5 Legal6,55,7 Fortis Audit Services6,26,3 Global Branding & Communication6,05,0 Strategy Development & Acquisition6,05,2 Central Risk Mngt6,06,5 Central Purchasing Office4,76,0 Tax4,75,2 Fortis Foundation4,56,0 Total average6,55,8 Not enough observations Investor Relations6,04,0 Business Transformation Office4,02,0 Asset & Liability Mngt3,06,0 Fortis Venturing2,0 - External Affairs2,0 - Investments2,0 - 8
Results 2 (on ServQual dimensions) Each dimension has sub questions High difference score = negative Standard Deviation gives indication on intra-group consensus Times 2x scores = 10 point scale The dimension Reliability is the most important dimension (8,4) and has the highest difference score between current (6,4) and appropriate satisfaction (8,0) is 1,6. Reliability importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr-curr If HR promises to do something on time, this also happens. 4,23,14,2 1,1 When an urgent problem occurs, HR is available to help you solve the problem. 4,03,54,0 0,5 HR delivers its services right the first time it is being asked. 4,03,03,8 0,8 HR delivers its services on the promised time. 4,43,14,1 1,0 HR can be relied upon. 4,33,34,0 0,7 average4,23,24,0 0,8 standard deviation0,70,90,6 Willingness importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr-curr HR employees indicate exactly when the service will be provided. 3,92,93,9 1,0 HR employees deliver punctual service. 4,03,03,8 0,8 HR employees are always willing to help you. 4,04,34,0 -0,3 HR employees are never too busy to react to your requests. 3,3 3,6 0,3 average3,83,43,8 0,4 standard deviation0,71,00,5 9
Results 2 (on ServQual dimensions) The Dimension Tangibles scores lowest on importance and the highest on satisfaction 7.2 But has a negative difference score (-0,2) which means that appropriate score (7,0) is lower than current satisfaction (7,2). Assurance importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr-curr The behaviour of HR employees evokes confidence with you. 4,23,44,2 0,8 You feel confident with your HR requests being taken off by the HR department. 4,13,24,2 1,0 HR employees are always polite against you. 2,93,93,5 -0,4 HR employees have the necessary knowledge and experience to answer your questions. 4,33,14,0 0,9 average3,83,33,9 0,6 standard deviation1,00,90,8 Empathy importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr-curr You receive the service and attention needed from the HR department. 4,23,13,8 0,7 The hours that you can approach HR are adequate for you. 3,13,63,5 -0,1 HR employees give you personal attention. 3,73,93,8 -0,1 HR does their best to take care of your best interest. 3,93,03,9 0,9 HR employees understand your specific needs. 3,93,24,0 0,8 average3,83,43,8 0,4 standard deviation0,9 0,7 Tangibles importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr-curr HR has a modern looking internet site. 2,93,33,2 -0,1 The office location of Human Resources is visually attractive. 1,83,93,1 -0,8 The HR employees are looking represent able. 3,13,53,6 0,1 The HR documents and materials are looking attractive. 3,7 4,1 0,4 average2,93,63,5 -0,1 standard deviation1,20,8 10
Results 3 (on HR Domains) Questions: How important is this HR Topic for your? And How Satisfied are you? And What would be appropriate? HR Topic Recruitment, Selection and Hiring is most important to our customers (9,0). Least important topic to our customers is Management Information (5,8) Biggest negative difference scores the Performance Management (2,2) HR Topic importance current satisfaction appropriate satisfaction difference appr -curr Recruitment, Selection and Hiring4,53,14,1 1,0 standard deviation 0,50,70,6 Training and Development3,83,23,8 0,6 standard deviation 0,90,8 Reward model & Employee Benefits4,23,34,1 0,8 standard deviation 0,61,20,6 Performance Management (Appraisal cycle)4,43,04,1 1,1 standard deviation 0,7 Management Information2,92,73,4 0,8 standard deviation1,20,50,9 11
Results 4 (on HR domains) Results from 10 International HR Managers/ Employees Question: Do you consider this gap to exist for this HR Topic? And can you explain? Gap 2 (= failing procedures) is identified by HR professionals as largest problem, score 31 on max. 50 Within HR Topic Recruitment, Selection and Hiring (identified by our internal customers as most important and one of the larger difference score) Gap 3 = execution of person (score 9 out of 10) is identified as main cause for dissatisfaction of customers. HR identifies Performance Mngt as most problematic for internal customers (gap 5 score 8), least problematic Reward & Employee Benefits (gap 5 score 1) 12
Conclusion Hypothesis 1 : HR has a bad Image = Not supported HR scores needs to score in lowest 20% to support Hypothesis = in lowest 42% Absolute score needs to be below four = 5,6 HR image is mediocre? Hypothesis 2: Cause of the bad image = Not supported Three dimensions need to score negative and with more than 0,5 difference (scale 1 – 5) to support Hypothesis that this is cause of bad image = only two dimensions (reliability 0,8 and assurance 0,6) Hypothesis 3: Customer dissatisfaction and identified HR gaps correlate = Partially supported Hypothesis is supported if correlation between customer and HR professionals results is found = only for performance mngt 13
Recommendations Increase Reliability for the HR Topic Recruitment, Selection and Hiring. Execution of HR professionals is biggest cause of dissatisfaction. Open HR responses indicate that Time is cause no 1 HR professionals recommend less is more and better! Strategic Workforce Planning will help identify early when demand for Recruitment/ Selection /Hiring service will go up and additional HR Resources are needed! Procedures are seen by HR overall as most problematic gap for all HR Topics and especially for Performance Mngt. Recommendation is to develop “clear” policies/ procedures and communicate frequently the policies/ procedures with all HR departments and especially communicate to the internal customer 14