The Electronic Health Library of BC Improving access to knowledge for BC’s health professionals, researchers and students
Project Vision To provide the entire British Columbia academic and health care community with province-wide, consistent, high quality, cost-effective, equitable, and easily accessible health library resources that will support and improve practice, education, and research.
Project Mission To build a consortium for collaboration, support, training, and for the sharing of information resources that will foster cross-sectoral collaboration in the selection, acquisition, and management of BC’s e-library health information resources.
Consortium members 6 Health Authorities 24 Post-secondary Institutions 3 Provincial Ministries Ministry of Health Ministry of Children and Family Development Ministry of Advanced Education College of Physicians & Surgeons of British Columbia
Goals Improve Health Outcomes and Enhance the Quality of Care Recruit and Retain Health Professionals Meet the Needs of the Expanded Medical Program Support Student Learning Across the Province Support Health Research
Principles Simplify Access Eliminate Duplication of Resources Maximize Access and Minimize Costs
Resources Abstract and Index Collections: MEDLINE CINAHL with Full Text PsycINFO EBM Reviews –Full text access to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and ACP Journal Club
Subject coverage: medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pre-clinical sciences and more Over 13 million citations to articles from over 4,800 journals OLDMEDLINE ( ) and In Process and Out of Scope citations also searchable Available via OVID and EBSCO interfaces MEDLINE
Subject coverage: nursing, allied health, consumer health, patient education information Indexes 2,737 journals, as well as books/book chapters, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals More than 1 million records dating back to 1982 Includes PreCINAHL database of yet to be indexed citations Searchable on the EBSCO interface CINAHL with Full Text
Subject coverage: : psychology, psychiatry, and related disciplines Indexes nearly 2,000 journals, as well as book chapters, books, and dissertations dating as far back as 1887 Searchable on the EBSCO interface PsycINFO
Definitive resource for evidence based medicine that combines 4 resources into a single database: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (full text) ACP Journal Club (full text) Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) EBM Reviews (OVID)
Resources Full text collections: PsycARTICLES 56 journals covering general psychology and specialized, basic, applied, clinical and theoretical research psychology, as well as psychiatry Journal coverage goes back to 1985
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Total Access Collection Over 200 journals covering medicine, nursing and bioscience Full text searchable on the OVID interface
EBSCO Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive Approx. 900 journals indexed in MEDLINE, covering clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, the health care system, and more