Introduction to UD Research Resources and Tools January 21, 2015 Presented by: Leigh Botner, Research Development Director
Outline for today’s discussion Brief Research Office Overview UD Toolbox for Researchers NIH RePorter database SciENcv and new NIH biosketch Finding campus faculty expertise Finding internal/external funding Mandatory UD Training and Optional Learning Opportunities 1
Advance the University’s Research Enterprise Build leading-edge research programs from existing strengths Develop new strengths aligned with UD’s Strategic Plan Promote the application and awareness of UD research and creative endeavors Research Office Mission Deputy Provost is the “Chief Research Advocate” 2
A Few Facts-FY Proposals 648 NEW Awards $201MM Sponsored Expenditures 1100 Human Subjects Protocols 81 Animal Subjects Protocols 5240 Effort Reports 15 Audits 3
Research Office Website 4
Researcher’s Toolbox 5 UD Proposal Guide Staff Directory
Hard to Find Proposal Resources Select For Researchers Select UD Proposal Guide Writing Resources- Data Management Plan Resources- Guidance for Preparing a Post Doc Mentoring Statement- –Scroll down to bottom of page –Select UD Proposal Guide FAQ (#8) 6
NIH RePorter 7 Important search options: 1.Search by textword to identify research topics 2.Search by principal investigator (PI) 3.Search for University of Delaware as the institution 4.Search by grant number Combine 1 and 3 to find who's doing research on a particular topic at UD
Finding Faculty Expertise Delaware Biotechnology Institute –Search for UD Scientists from over 20 departments and programs using Science Navigator Delaware Health Science Alliance –Faculty/physician profiles COS Pivot –Search over 3,000 faculty profiles from around the world 8
New NIH Biosketch and SciENcv New format! This one is even longer! New NIH bio sketch format is in response to comments from NIH reviewers and PIs Now five pages vs four May now describe five of your most significant contributions plus historical background that framed your research PLUS up to four relevant peer-reviewed publication or non-publication research products Researchers involved in Team Science may describe specific role(s) May include link to a full published list in SciENcv NIH will accept the old format until May 25 SciENcv- Tool to Help Build the New Biosketch Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae Interagency system designed to create bios for multiple federal agencies Pulls information from available resources like PubMed to develop a repository of information YouTube video:
UD Mandatory Training and Optional Learning Opportunities PI Training on the Fundamentals of Federal Cost Accounting- Mandatory Human Subjects Training (if applicable) Animal Subjects Training (if applicable) Responsible Conduct of Research- Mandatory Export Controls (if applicable) Conflict of Interest OMB Uniform Guidance SciENcv and new NIH biosketch- Coming soon! Be ready for NIH’s just-in- time request!
Locating Funding Opportunities Research Office Website Office of Graduate & Professional Education Website Morris Library Funding Databases UD Fulbright Scholars Program Corporate & Foundation Relations
12 COS PIVOT Questions/Training: Contact Carol Rudisell at or COS PIVOT Questions/Training: Contact Carol Rudisell at or
Internal Grant Opportunities UD Internal Grant OpportunitiesDetails General University Research (GUR) Recent Deadline: November 4, 2014 Up to $6,000 in Direct Costs Funds early career faculty in the arts, humanities, and social sciences UD Research Foundation (UDRF) Recent Deadline: January 9, 2015 Up to $35,000 in Direct Costs Funds early career faculty in the sciences and engineering UD Research Foundation (UDRF) Strategic Initiatives Recent Deadline: October 10, 2014 Up to $35,000 in Direct Costs Funds teams of tenured & early career faculty in the sciences and engineering NIH: Delaware IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) No Call for Proposals currently scheduled Up to $75,000 in Direct Costs annual for two years Funds biomedical pilot grants from new and early career investigators at partner institutions NSF: Delaware Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Recent Deadline: December 10, 2014 Up to $50,000 in Direct Costs (opportunity to request a second year later) Funds multidisciplinary & cross-institutional collaboration in environmental research Participation from social scientists encouraged UD – Fraunhofer Collaboration No Call for Proposals currently scheduled Up to $250,000 in Direct Costs per year between 2 grants Funds collaborative research projects to generate pilot data Funds graduate & undergrad student fellowships Delaware Health Science Alliance No Call for Proposals currently scheduled Up to $60,000 as collaborative pilot grants for biomedical research programs in basic or translational research
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) 14 Consortium of ~100 major Ph.D.- granting academic institutions, incl. UD Aimed at encouraging and enhancing the strengthening of U.S. research and education Opportunities are diverse in “field of interest” (i.e., Business, Communications & Graphic Design, Computer Science, Earth, Environmental & Marine Sciences, Engineering, Life, Health & Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Social & Behavior Sciences), begin throughout the year, and vary with respect to US citizenship requirements. ORAU funding opportunities and activities fall into two categories: 1) Internships, Scholarships & Fellowships 2) Faculty & Student Programs
15 Top Five Funding Opportunity Links 1. UCLA Graduate & Postdoctoral Extramural Support (GRAPES) Database Searchable database for graduate and post doc funding. Search for awards by discipline, academic level, award type, and minimum award amount. Filter for travel abroad awards and exclude awards to U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents 2. Cornell University Graduate Fellowship Database Searchable database with funding opportunities for all disciplines On the same page you can find great information about -Letter of Recommendation -Writing Your Research Statement 3. Texas A&M Externally Funded Fellowships 4. Graduate and Professional Student Funding by Duke University Includes international opportunities for US citizens and foreign citizens 5. COS PIVOT- UD Morris Library Searchable database with funding opportunities for all disciplines Includes federal opportunities, foundations, and private opportunities Exclude awards to U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents
Questions? 16 Leigh Botner Research Development Director – x7088