Introducing Philadelphia Insurance and AGOSNET Your comprehensive risk management and loss control program devoted to the workplace. A powerful risk management platform available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to anyone with a connection to the Internet.
Introducing AGOSNET AGOSNET empowers organizations to target specific risk management tools toward those responsible for particular risk management responsibilities within the organization. Some features are designed specifically for frontline managers and supervisors. Others are for human resources staff or risk managers. Still other features provide "big picture" guidance to high-level executives
AGOSNET Features Web-based delivery of employment policies and forms. Web-based training on a variety of topics, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence. Searchable databases of employment-related information. The Experts’ Forum—a collection of brief executive-level discussions on timely risk management topics. Weekly training bulletins. Self-auditing tool.
AGOSNET Features AGOSNET™ can be customized by: –Organization –Site –Department –User
The Experts’ Forum ™ An online magazine—a collection of executive-level risk management articles covering a wide range of workplace-related topics. Articles are written by experts from across the United States. Several new articles are posted each week. Articles are searchable.
AGOSNET Training Three forms of interactive online training are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week : –Weekly Training Bulletins—regular, ongoing, weekly training for your frontline managers and supervisors. – ™ —a service that provides detailed training on a particular workplace-related topic. –TRAC ™ —an optional service that provides sensitivity training for all employees. Customized interactive training can be created.
AGOSNET Training Bulletins Designed to keep frontline managers and supervisors aware of critical workplace risk management issues. Bulletins cover: –Sexual harassment, –Discrimination, –Workers’ compensation, –Workplace violence, –Workplace safety, –Hiring, Evaluations, Terminations, –Important acts such as the ADA and FMLA, and –Other topics. –Plus, customized courses can be created.
AGOSNET Training Bulletins Bulletins are designed to keep front-line managers and supervisors aware of critical workplace risk management issues. –A new Bulletin is featured each week. –Bulletins are fully searchable. –Use is recorded allowing you to see who has and has not trained.
Online Training— ™ Provides interactive training content on a particular topic and utilizes real-life scenarios to help your managers and supervisors apply the training to their daily work practices.
Online Training— ™ The basic cadre of courses—for front- line managers and supervisors—covers the major areas of workplace risk, the first 4 are provided to you by Philadelphia Insurance: –Abuse Prevention –Sexual Harassment –Discrimination –Smart Hiring –Managing Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) issues* –Workplace Theft* –Unsafe Acts* –Workers’ Compensation—Fraud and Retaliation* * Some additional optional training topics
Optional Online Training— ™ Plus, specific training courses are available for risk managers and human resources professionals: –Workplace Investigation Basics –Smart Termination Practices
Optional Online Training—TRAC ™ Created for ALL employees. –Designed to generate sensitivity and awareness on a series of workplace- related topics. –Great to use during routine orientation of new employees. –Use it to conduct periodic sensitivity training for all employees. –Can be customized for your organization.
AGOSNET Best Practices Knowledge Base A searchable collection of real-life best practices scenarios. Each scenario includes: –A fact pattern, –Identified risk categories, –Employment action(s) being considered, and –Recommendations based on commonly accepted risk management principles. Note: Best practices recommendations are NOT legal advice and should not take the place of your attorney. For legal questions, consult an attorney.
AGOSNET Workplace Self Assessments Brief questionnaires designed to help you assess strengths and weaknesses in your own workplace. –Self Assessments cover topics such as hiring, employee orientations, evaluations, discipline, terminations, substance abuse, and many more. –A new Self Assessment is posted each month. –All previous Self Assessments remain available for your future reference.
AGOSNET Workplace Policies, Forms and Model Employee Handbook Provide a fundamental foundation for a safe and productive workplace. –Adopt the model policies and forms, integrate them into your existing policies and forms, or use them as a foundation to create or update your own, custom policies and forms. –You’ll have the tools to post your organization’s custom policies and forms to the AGOSNET™ system—for viewing by only your managers and supervisors—at no additional cost.
AGOSNET Workplace Links Hundreds of valuable workplace- related links for government agencies and nonprofit organizations. Some categories include: –Federal Government Agencies and Information –State Departments of Labor –State Education Oversight Agencies –Nonprofit Risk Management Organizations
AGOSNET Online Poll An Online Poll question is provided to all AGOSNET™ subscribers. Your organization may choose to issue your own poll questions to your managers and supervisors. Some organizations ask their managers and supervisors to suggest possible poll questions. Results are automatically tabulated and posted.
AGOSNET Did You Know? Factoids Keeps your managers and supervisors aware of and interested in timely workplace issues. New factoids are added weekly.
AGOSNET You Make the Call Workplace scenarios help managers and supervisors hone their risk management decision-making skills. Each scenario involves multiple issues to challenge the way your managers and supervisors prioritize factors within their risk management decision-making process. A new scenario is posted each month.
Philadelphia Insurance offers Special Pricing As an added incentive to encourage policyholders to implement additional risk management measures, Philadelphia will receive special pricing and other discounts to policyholders who purchase additional products and services from THE AGOS GROUP. Contact the AGOS Marketing Department to learn how AGOS can customize a risk management incentive program for you.
Additional Risk Management Resources Listed below are some of the AGOS products and services that companies have selected as additional Risk Management Resources: –Additional SmartTrain™ training courses –TRAC™ sensitivity training for all employees –The Employee Protection Line ® –The Student Protection Line™ –The Fraud Prevention Line™ –AGOS Workplace Investigation Services –Smart Risk Management Certification Training
Additional Services—The Employee Protection Line ® A toll-free hotline that allows employees to anonymously report risk and wrongdoing 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Implementation includes appointment and training of a Collective Risk Management ® Team to manage reports of risk and wrongdoing.
Additional Services—The Employee Protection Line ® Subscribers average one call per year for every 150 employees. Ninety-five percent of callers leave enough information for your organization to initiate an investigation.
Additional Services—The Student Protection Line ™ A toll-free hotline that allows students, teachers, parents, volunteers—anyone affiliated with a school or school district —to anonymously report violence or threats of violence 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Implementation includes the appointment and training of a School Protection Team™ to manage reports of violence and potential violence.
Additional Services—The Fraud Prevention Line ™ A toll-free hotline that allows health- care workers to anonymously report Medicare fraud and other healthcare- related fraud and abuse 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Implementation includes the designating and training of a Fraud Prevention Team™ to manage reports of fraud and abuse.
Additional Services—Workplace Investigations AGOS Workplace Investigation Services—choosing a skilled and experienced investigator can make the difference between an effective defense and an expensive litigation loss. AGOS provides quality investigations of harassment and other discrimination allegations.
Additional Services—Smart Risk Management ® Certification Training Smart Risk Management ® Certification Training—Curriculum includes an introduction to all WATCH ® program risk management products and services, with an emphasis on: –The Five Core Principles of Smart Risk Management ® –Establishment of a Collective Risk Management Team ® –Smart Risk Management ® Managers' and Supervisors' Training –Smart Risk Management ® Employee Awareness Training –The Employee Protection Line ®
The AGOSNET ™ Solution for Philadelphia Insurance Join other organizations from across the country who are using AGOSNET™ tools to minimize the risk of incidents that lead to costly claims, and to generate safe and productive workplaces.
Any Questions? Call THE AGOS GROUP