SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet A Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management.


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Presentation transcript:

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet A Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Background Data availability of vital importance for marine research European data set is fragmented Not always quality controlled Not always easily accessible In 35 countries bordering European seas more than 600 scientific laboratories from government organizations and private industry collect data use various sensors on board of research vessels, submarines, fixed and drifting platforms, airplanes and satellites measure physical, geophysical, geological, biological and chemical parameters, biological species, etc.

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 What is SeaDataNet? EU Sixth Framework Programme Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2011 Objectives develop an efficient distributed pan-European marine data management Infrastructure for managing large and diverse data sets network existing professional data centres of 35 countries, active in data collection provide integrated databases of standardised quality on-line

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet partners 49 partners including: Major oceanographic institutes of 35 countries National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) Divisions of major national marine research institutes 3 satellite data centres 3 scientific modelling centres 2 SMEs experts in software development 3 International organisations

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Building on experience Data management of scientific projects, e.g. MTPII- MATER, CANIGO, OMEX, MERSEA, etc. Leaders of Data Management Concerted Actions MEDAR/MEDATLAS II - Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue, aiming to make available a comprehensive data product of temperature, salinity and bio-chemical data in the Mediterranean and Black Sea through a wide international cooperation, toSEA-SEARCH – The gateway to Oceanographic and Marine Data & Information in Europe, to provide an effective navigation tool to oceanographic and marine data and information sources for European marine waters and to centres in Europe with expertise and skills in oceanographic and marine data & information management. Bringing in new partners – satellite data centres

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet components

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Infrastructure, versions & planning Version 0 Continuation and maintenance of existing Sea-Search systems with minor modifications Version 1 All data centres involved in upgraded meta-databases Technical Task Team partners involved in transparent data access, security, monitoring, viewing services = trans-national access Pre-operational by October 2007 and operational by February 2008 Version 2 All data centres involved in trans-national access and access upgraded Operational by 2010

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet data policy Metadata free and open access, no registration required each data centre should provide the meta-data in standardized format to populate the catalogue services Data and products services the general case if free and open access/mandatory registration a “SeaDataNet role” (partner, academic, commercial etc.) is attributed to each user Each NODC attributes the roles to the users of its of country Out of the partnership, the roles are assigned by SeaDataNet user- desk each data centre node delivers data according to the user’s role and its local regulation each data centre should provide freely the data sets necessary to develop the common products

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Discovery services Marine environmental data sets (EDMED) Marine environmental research projects (EDMERP) Observing systems (EDIOS) Research Cruise Summary Reports (CSR) Common Data Index (CDI) Directory of marine organisations (EDMO)

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Cruise Summary Reports Conceived by IOC ICES acted as focal point Currently over than cruises Documenting data collected on scientific research cruises operated by European vessels Cruise track charts included Online entry form Online searchable database

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 European Directory of the Ocean- observing System (EDIOS) Initiative of the European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS) Regular repeated measurements On-line searchable directory of observing, measuring, and monitoring systems Over 10,000 observation entries Links to on-line real-time and archive data Tool to aid design of observing systems

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Common Data Index Index to individual data sets Approx entries from 10 partners ISO19115 metadata standard has been adopted On-line searchable directory Direct access to on-line data sets, catalogues or request

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Technical developments Establishment of common vocabularies Upgrading formats for interrelationships between these directories ISO content model is the basis for the XML formats and exchange schema (XSD) Innovating maintenance modalities: XML exchange formats upgrading XML validation services Online Content Management System (CMS) Introducing Web services Vocabularies and Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO)

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet standards Interoperability – key to distributed data management system success Includes establishing common understanding of terms used Achieved through use of controlled vocabularies containing keys, terms, abbreviations and essential (but often missing) definitions Schemes for handling duplicate data Common quality control protocols Ocean Data View software for visualisation

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet : Delivery Services V1 Primary function Users will be able to download selected data sets CDI User Interface Searching and browsing of metadata of data sets Shopping Basket in combination with AAA services Preparing a user request of multiple data sets, handling validation of users, and routing requests to the data centres

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Authentication, Authorization and Administration (AAA) Single Sign On system required for access to distributed system User’s authentication information based on personal login / password User must register in order to get login Web form to provide necessary information Online user agreement “SeaDataNet General Licence” After processing, login/password sent by ( check) Users’ directory management (registration processing) Centralised vs Decentralised Choice in V1 for CAS system (= centralised) SeaDataNet Data Policy Authorisation based on “Roles”

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet : Delivery Services V1 Download manager process of requests by each data centre to deliver one comprehensive data set (one zip file) per data centre Request status manager provide users overview of request status of requests and download functions provide data centres with overview of all requests and data delivery Data delivery formats CF compliant NetCDF format for gridded and multi- dimensional data types (e.g. ADCP) Modified ODV spreadsheet format for other data types (e.g. time-series, profiles)

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet User’s portal schema V1 IFREMER Database BODC Database BSH Database... Download managers in data centres CSREDIOS EDMED CDI Shopping basket Requests status manager datametadata CSR CDI Project info Metadata & Data catalogues Data request Status of request General request Metadata request Organisation + data source id Data download at BODCat BSHat MARIS + EDMERP services for metadata Data downloading services Visualisation services (WMS) for V2 Entry point for access hits EDMO EDIOSEDMED EDMERPEDMO Software Vocabularies StandardsCross search AAA Registr. My transact. User Register User registration

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 Data products SeaDataNet will provided added-value products to be created by regional centres Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Baltic Sea Arctic and North Sea Atlantic and global ocean First products => gridded climatologies based on already available data-sets (mostly hydrographic data) updated during the project life To make products comparable, all regional data centers will use a common tool for spatial mapping For this a new version of DIVA (Data Inverse Variational Analysis) was developed (University of Liege)

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet capacity building The training program has two main objectives: to ensure that the data and metadata to be integrated in the SeaDataNet system will be formatted, checked for quality and disseminated according to the common protocols developed during the project to transfer expertise and to train IT experts of the SeaDataNet data centers in the basics, installation and operation of the SeaDataNet technical components

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 SeaDataNet system components Discovery services = Metadata directories Vocabulary services = Common vocabularies Auxiliary tables = Organisations, Research Vessels Security services = Authentication, Authorization & Administration (AAA) Monitoring and statistics = usage & system performance Delivery services = Data access & downloading of data sets (ASCII, NetCDF, …, data virtualisation) Viewing services = GIS, ODV analysis software, Google Earth,.. Product services = Generic and standard products

SIMORC Workshop March 2007 International Conference IMDIS st Announcement Second international conference “International Marine Data Information Systems” (IMDIS) March 31 - April 1, 2008, Athens, Greece Joint organisers: SeaDataNet, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, IOC/IODE Four sessions: Marine environmental data bases: infrastructures and data access systems Data Services in ocean science: standards and interoperability Visualisation tools Services for Users and Education

SIMORC Workshop March