2013 Cost of Service Orientation Session Filing Your Application – How to File Electronically and Technology in the Hearing Room July 9, 2012 John Pickernell Assistant Board Secretary Legal Services and Board Secretary Ontario Energy Board Violet Binette Project Advisor, Electricity Rates Applications and Regulatory Audit Ontario Energy Board
2 HOW TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE BOARD User ID In order to submit an application or other supporting documents using the Board’s Regulatory Electronic Submission System “RESS”, a User ID and password is required. Complete the User ID request form found on the e- Filing Services page of the Board’s website, then this form to for processing.
3 HOW TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE BOARD (cont.) Submit through the Board’s RESS web portal. Each attachment must be less than 35 MB. Convert documents to a searchable PDF format from the original software used (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.)
4 HOW TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE BOARD (cont.) Only scan documents that do not have electronic equivalents (e.g., historic hard copies and maps). Confidential documents must be submitted to the Board only as hard copies, unless otherwise directed. If the application/evidence is larger than 35 MB submitters should divide large documents into logical sections. Ex: THESL_APPL_Sec A Admin_yyyymmdd If the application/evidence is smaller than 35 MB submitters should submit the Application as one entire PDF document. Ex: THESL_APPL_yyyymmdd Paper Copies Unless otherwise specified two paper copies are required to be submitted on the same date as the electronic submission.
5 REVISIONS AND UPDATES OF APPLICATION Revisions to an application or supporting evidence will require electronic re-submission of the section or the entire document. If the application was first submitted in sections the revised electronic section must be re-submitted. A cover letter detailing the changes is required. If the application was submitted as one entire PDF the entire electronic document must be re-submitted. A cover letter detailing the changes is required. The file name should remain the same except for the date on the end. Two paper copies of the revised section only to be submitted
6 STANDARDS The current standard for RESS submissions is PDF format or XLS for Excel spreadsheets All documents submitted electronically should be in a searchable, unrestricted PDF/A file format created using Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional version or higher.
7 Regulatory Document Search Access the Board’s Advanced Regulatory Document Search (RDS) from the main page of the OEB website Search for documents in RDS using categories in the drop-down box
8 TECHNOLOGY IN THE HEARING ROOM Background Hearing rooms are equipped with audio and video presentation system equipment Business Plan: evaluate technology options to improve the hearing process Consulted internally, with applicants, with intervenors and with other regulatory agencies
9 BENEFITS OF USING THE PRESENTATION SYSTEM Participants view the same evidence at the same time Limits binder surfing Can compare exhibits side by side Assists court reporter Access to documents not on the record (e.g. decisions from other proceedings) Potential reduction in paper and hearing time Potential to view exhibits remotely
10 IN PROGRESS Documentation and training, ongoing “Pilots” in 2012 Presentation system is available to LDCs for technical conferences and oral hearings Other
11 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Bookmarked electronic documents –Pre-filed evidence (Exhibit, Tab, Schedule) –Interrogatories and responses (sorted as required) –Technical conference - undertakings and exhibits –Settlement agreement –Intervenor evidence –Oral hearing - undertakings and exhibits Transcripts, intervenor compendia
13 DEPENDENCIES Presentation system operator –Familiarity with evidence –Trained to operate the presentation system Witnesses –Integration of exhibits on the presentation system with their binder notes Timely filing of cross examination compendia, where applicable