Having Your Cake and Eating It Too With Apache OODT and Apache Solr Andrew F. Hart Paul M. Ramirez
About Myself… Software Engineer –NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory –“Data Management” Committer: –OODT, SIS, Gora, Streams (Incubating) Mentor: Streams (Incubating)
What We’ll Cover Overview of OODT & Solr Projects Strategies for Combining OODT and Solr Detailed Deployment/Config. Example Where to Learn More & Participate
Apache OODT Object Oriented Data Technology Origin in NASA mission data systems Components for –Information integration –Data cataloging and archiving –Configurable workflow processing
Apache OODT Apache –Incubation: 2010, Graduation: 2011 –29 Committers –Latest Release: 0.5 (Dec. 26, 2012)
Apache OODT Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7)
Apache OODT Virtual Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Apache OODT Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
Apache OODT Commonalities between systems –Lots of data –Defined processing steps / algorithms Archives important (… search important)
Apache OODT Strengths of OODT for the above use cases –Loosely coupled components –Standard protocols, well-defined interfaces –Highly configurable –Vetted, reliable code
Apache Solr Search + Web Services –Powerful features –Flexible formats –Highly configurable
Apache Solr The White House
Apache Solr Netflix
Apache Solr NASA Planetary Data System
OODT & Solr Why use these projects together? Archives often need search capability Similarities / Compatibilities –XML-based configuration –Environment (Java, Tomcat)
Example Integration “Standard” Data Archive Pipeline
Example Integration “Standard” Data Archive Pipeline + Search
OODT Products Typically 1-1 with Files Each uniquely identifiable (GUID) Support for higher-level “ProductType” –A way to define collections
OODT Metadata Annotations for products Key:{Val|Multival} Common across all OODT components Two general classes: –System –User
OODT Metadata System Metadata –Added automatically by OODT Components –Used to track state –Used to encode relationships between data
OODT Metadata User Metadata –Specified as “policy” –Can be product-level, or productType-level –Used to extract & persist information from files as they are ingested (become products)
OODT Metadata Metadata (Policy) Example (external)
Solr Schema XML document Define what will be indexed (“Fields”) Provide high-level context hints –Data type, behavior, pre-processing Extremely flexible, extensible
Solr Schema Solr Schema Example (external)
Making the Connection SolrIndexer Tool –Part of the File Manager component tools –Map OODT Metadata to Solr Fields –Create Solr documents from OODT products –Note: only talking about metadata
SolrIndexer Tool Org.Apache.Oodt.Cas.Filemgr.Tools Available since 0.4 Release Recommend to use 0.5+ as some stability improvements were added Several modes of operation
SolrIndexer Tool
Invocation Examples: Ingest all products from the specified File Manager instance java -DSOLR_INDEXER_CONFIG=/path/to/indexer.properties \ -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/cas/filemgr/lib/ \ org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.tools.SolrIndexer \ --all \ --fmUrl \ --solrUrl
SolrIndexerTool Invocation Examples: Ingest all products from the specified ProductType(s) java -DSOLR_INDEXER_CONFIG=/path/to/indexer.properties \ -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/cas/filemgr/lib/ \ org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.tools.SolrIndexer \ --types urn:some:ProductType \ --fmUrl \ --solrUrl
SolrIndexerTool Invocation Examples: Ingest a single product by its unique product id java -DSOLR_INDEXER_CONFIG=/path/to/indexer.properties \ -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/cas/filemgr/lib/ \ org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.tools.SolrIndexer \ --product 19bcb4b e1-b581-8b d \ [--delete] \ --fmUrl \ --solrUrl
SolrIndexerTool Invocation Examples: Force optimization of the Solr index java -DSOLR_INDEXER_CONFIG=/path/to/indexer.properties \ -Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/cas/filemgr/lib/ \ org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.tools.SolrIndexer \ --optimize --solrUrl
Indexer.properties Configuration file for the SolrIndexer Specify mapping between OODT product metadata and Solr fields Additional “pre-processing” features
Indexer.properties Example Indexer.properties file (external)
Use Case I Building a searchable data archive “Long-term” / “Lights-out” archive Products & metadata immutable Many NASA mission data systems use this model Want to make it easily searchable
Use Case I “Standard” Data Archive Pipeline + Search
Use Cases II Building an interactively editable, searchable data archive Data and metadata mutable Want to dynamically select product(s) to edit based on metadata
Use Case II Interactively Editable Data Archive Pipeline + Search
Use Case II Interactively Editable Data Archive Pipeline + Search Solr catalog out of sync!
Synchronization Two ways (at least) to solve this: A. Modify the OODT Curator Services B. Treat OODT Curator Services as “black box” and write “wrapper” service to invoke Curator Services AND update Solr (via scripted call to SolrIndexer, for example)
Modify Curator Services Services implemented in JAX-RS /curator/src/main/java/org/apache/oodt/cas/curation/service [curator_url]/services/metadata/update Options: –Utilize Solr Java API –Wrap call to OODT SolrIndexer tool
Use Case II-A Modified Curator Services to Simultaneously update Solr
Example Interactive event tagging
Wrap Curator Services Curator Service/API is “black box” Develop custom service that: –Issues POST request to Curator service –Updates Solr index via, e.g.: Utilize Solr Java API Wrap call to OODT SolrIndexer tool
Use Case II-B Wrapping OODT Curation Services with Custom UI & Services
Lessons Solr compliments OODT File Manager RESTful interfaces (Solr + OODT Curator) allow for great flexibility in designing services and UI “Best” approach depends on situation
Next Steps Develop “SolrCatalog” for OODT File Manager? –Pros: Reduction in “moving parts” –Cons: Restrictive? Implement Use Case II-A as optional mode for Curator web service layer
Learning More Solr – OODT – Homehttps://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OODT/ Home
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