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AHFS DI® Essentials™ Essentials™ monographs draw on the evidence-based guidelines in the full AHFS DI® database essential information on prescription and key over-the-counter (OTC) drugs Cross-searches evidence based guidelines with full text Topics are selected by ACP based upon prevalence in clinical settings. Evidence for all diseases is evaluated; the credibility of the evidence is displayed with a rating. Cross-searchable drug references Tables, figures and references included by The American College of Physicians is a Web-based authoritative, evidence-based guidance tool collection of disease modules can be searched or browsed alphabetically or by organ system subcategories for each disease are: Prevention Non-drug Therapy Screening Drug Therapy Diagnosis Patient Education Consultation for Diagnosis Consultation for Management Hospitalization Follow-up Procedures ACP PIER© Physician's Information and Education Reference with AHFS DI® Essentials™
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New evidence is integrated with existing content. Overall conclusions represent a synthesis of the best available evidence. DynaMed Each publication is reviewed cover-to-cover. Each article is evaluated for clinical relevance and scientific validity. Seven-Step Evidence-based methodology rating system Monitors the content of over 500 medical journals systematic evidence review databases directly indirectly by using many journal review services Process of systematic literature surveillance of the best available evidence Created by a physician for physicians for use primarily at the 'point-of-care’ Clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,000 topics Updated daily
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Differential Diagnoses rapid evaluation of patient's chief complaint potential diagnoses sorted by age and prevalence FIRSTConsult Medical Topics comprehensive database of clinically compiled, regularly updated information: patient evaluation diagnosis treatment tests prevention Patient Education nearly 10,000 handouts; most at a 6 th -8 th grade reading level Procedures provide clear, systematic guidance includes videos and medical animations Editorial Board is made up of practicing physicians ensure that content is authoritative and current as possible collaborative authoring process designed for use at the time and point of care information on disease-specific topics Level A, B, or C evaluation of evidence rating system
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