Minor Modification Procedures Faculty Graduate Deans’ Office (FGO) Information Session October 31, 2013 Erin McMahon Governance & Policy Officer
Where to Start 2
Definition & Proposal Chart Minor changes to existing graduate programs Graduate units initiate proposals o Complete Minor Modification Chart is available online: o Some proposal types requires initial consultation with the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs 3
Governance Forms & Proposal Types Governance Form A o Changes to Programs (admissions, requirements, timing, names, etc.) Governance Form B o Changes to Courses (renaming, renumbering, deactivating, etc.) Governance Form C o Changes to Courses (new courses, grading scale, weight, etc.) Governance Form D o Changes to Collaborative Programs (adding/removing programs) 4
Your Role 5 First point of contact for graduate units developing proposals Advising on procedures and approvals for Major and Minor Modifications Receiving and tracking proposals that have been approved at the unit Posting and managing Minor Modifications proposals on the GCT Consulting with SGS on more complex proposals to assist units Working with units to implement any required SGS feedback Preparing proposals and other materials for Faculty Council and delegated committee meetings Tracking and updating approvals at the Faculty level Updating the GCT and implementing changes for approved proposals For reference: Minor Modifications: Principles for Graduate Governance Review
Graduate Curriculum Tracker (GCT) 6 Graduate unit approves proposal, then FGO posts to GCT (1 to 2 weeks prior to Faculty Council meeting). Postings should be complete, i.e., include an SGS Calendar entry if required, and consultations are noted where appropriate. Searchable Field, please use clear and descriptive language i.e. exact course #
Statistics 7 FacultyMinor Modifications Posted Arts & Science200 OISE82 Applied Science & Engineering44 Medicine36 UTSC22 Music21 Rotman21 Information17 Social Work12 Nursing10 Forestry5 UTM5 Architecture3 Kinesiology & Physical Education2 Law2 Dentistry1 Pharmacy1 Dalla LanaN/A (est. July 1, 2013) Total = 484
SGS’s Role 8 Who We Are: The Governance & Policy Officer reviews all minor modifications. The Director reviews all Governance Form As, and more complex proposals are circulated for further review at SGS (Coordinator, Vice-Dean Programs, Student Service Officers, etc.). All proposals with a retroactive effective date are strictly exceptions approved by the Vice-Dean Programs. What is the Focus of the Review: Consistent with SGS regulations/guidelines/policies (grading, courses, etc.) Clear language and an academic rationale Does not duplicate or confuse other courses, programs, etc. For reference: Minor Modifications: Principles for Graduate Governance Review
Final Approval & Implementation 9 SGS sends with comments/suggestions/feedback. FGO confirms when any necessary changes have been made to proposal—keep original GCT posting and upload a new version of the proposal form by clicking revise. FGO updates Faculty Council final approval date. SGS staff implements changes (ROSI, SGS Calendar, UPI, memo, etc.) Graduate units update website and handbooks, and advertise as applicable.
Updates to Forms 10 Forms will not be converted to fillable PDF file. Specific Updates: Governance Form A o Added: EFT option and Renaming Concentration Governance Form B o No ROSI forms required Governance Form C o No ROSI form, new fields to replace necessary ROSI info (SWS) o eLearning Guidelines and Online Learning Indicator for ROSI o FCE weight Governance Form D o No changes
Questions & Contact Info Erin McMahon, Governance & Policy Officer Reviews and advises FGOs on all Minor Modifications Emma Thacker, Governance & Policy Coordinator Reviews and advises FGOs on Major proposals (and some Minor Modifications) to graduate programs Provides advice and guidance on graduate policies, regulations, and guidelines Jane Alderdice, Director, Quality Assurance & Governance Reviews and advises on academic aspects of New Program proposals and Major Modifications, in conjunction with Vice-Dean, Programs Advises on complex Minor Modifications Responds to complex questions on policies and regulations Elizabeth Smyth, Vice-Dean, Programs Oversight and consultation 11