Healthy Eating Research: Building Evidence to Prevent Childhood Obesity RWJF Food Marketing Research Roundtable Mary Story, Ph.D., R.D., Program Director April 5, 2011
Healthy Eating Research Program launched in 2005 Target populations include Children and adolescents ages 3 to 18 and their families Lower-income and racial and ethnic populations at highest risk for obesity Goals Establish a research base for policy and environmental factors that influence healthy eating and body weight in children, as well as effective policy and environmental strategies for reversing the childhood obesity epidemic; Build a vibrant, multidisciplinary field of research and a diverse network of researchers; and Ensure that findings are effectively communicated to inform policies and guide the development of effective solutions.
Healthy Eating Research 10 calls for proposals (CFPs) released to date 90 HER grants funded to date, totaling over $15 million Information about all funded grants can be found on the program website, at
Food Marketing HER food marketing grants 37 funded to date See Appendix 5 of RWJF Programs and Projects Addressing Food Marketing HER products Publications, research briefs and syntheses, analyses See Appendix 6 of RWJF Programs and Projects Addressing Food Marketing YouTube videos with food marketing grantees to come in year ahead
2008 Research Brief Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Adolescents: What Changes are Needed to Promote Healthy Eating Habits? (October 2008) Available at under Publications
New Research Synthesis Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Adolescents: An Environment at Odds with Good Health (April 2011) Available at under Publications
Food Marketing Bibliography HER conducted literature review on food marketing through March 2011 Bibliography will be posted to program website ( and kept updated See bibliography handout
Food Marketing Webinars HER will have funding in the year ahead to host 2 webinars on food marketing Contact HER with topic and speaker ideas
RWJF Publications Database ( Current Status RWJF searchable database available now to find RWJF-funded publications and products. Next Steps Collaborate with RWJF to ensure that all grantee and NPO publications are listed and tagged as applicable. Possibly work with RWJF to enhance search capabilities.
For More Information Healthy Eating Research, Phone: