SHRP2 R16- Innovations for Delivering DOT/RR Projects Expeditiously COI Meeting April 11, 2012 SCORT – P ORTLAND, M AINE Presented by F RANK A. F REY F EDERAL R AILROAD A DMINISTRATION
SHRP2 R16 – What is it?? R16 Report Strategies and relationships to benefit both highway agencies and railroads – Improving the Project Agreement Process Between Highway Agencies and Railroads – Speed the renewal of critical highway infrastructure -save the public & the railroads time, money and minimize delays Collaborative Discussions (Involving all Stakeholders) R16 Innovations: Win–Win Approaches – Partnering techniques – Expedite agreement process : Model agreements – Best practices : Streamline and expedite
SHRP2 R16 A Communicating Innovations Community of Interest (COI) – Met April, 2012 Prioritized over 60 innovations (R16 Innovation Catalog) Identified and added new innovations to the R16 Catalog – Brainstormed on nationwide dissemination and adoption of innovations from prioritized list – Discussed the use of the Innovation Adoption Model to disseminate these innovations
Representation on COI Railroads David Wyatt, Norfolk Southern Railroad Lyn Hartley & Tamara Minor, (BNSF) David McKernan, (for Steve Grosse) Union Pacific Larry Romaine, RailAmerica Charles Gullakson, Tony Bellamy, CSX DOTs Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Manitoba Others active organizations Louisiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Colorado, Kentucky FRA, FHWA, AASHTO, NAS, AAR
H IGH P RIORITY I NNOVATIONS S ELECTED BY COI M EMBERS 1.The master construction agreement between the Illinois DOT and CSX was cited as a best practice worthy of national promotion. NS and NC DOT 2.A master flagging agreement with multiple railroads that was developed by the Illinois DOT was selected as a national best practice. Case Study 3.A streamlined contractor right of entry agreement to conform to rail industry practices.—BNSF/Texas DOT 4.The Florida DOT's production meeting in which it reviews its program and project schedules: Michigan DOT and Rail America
H IGH P RIORITY I NNOVATIONS S ELECTED BY COI M EMBERS 5.Promoting the use of multi-state audits that speed up the audit process both for railroads and highway agencies was recommended for documentation. This process can be tested, documented and the results disseminated. 6.The COI recommended reviewing and documenting the benefits of Iowa's Grade Crossing Surface Repair Program that has standardized the crossing program into a high- quality, predictable process that leads to long-lasting improvements. UP and Illinois DOT
H IGH P RIORITY I NNOVATIONS S ELECTED BY COI M EMBERS 7.The COI identified the need to develop a case study of the states that have "one-stop shops" for railroad agreements and coordination. 8.Iowa's Electronic Work Flow Process was recommended as a good practice worthy of a case study. It allows tracking of all agreements and produces reminders of impending milestones. It helps with cross training, automates administrative work, is transparent to the participants, and provides searchable electronic records. The COI members identified it as a process or technology that could improve coordination and communication between railroads and project sponsors.
H IGH P RIORITY I NNOVATIONS S ELECTED BY COI M EMBERS 10.The COI recommended conducting a case study of the joint meetings held regularly by the transportation departments in Massachusetts and Connecticut with their states' railroad associations. These meetings serve to share information and encourage coordination. 11.The COI recommended conducting a case study of the periodic project coordination meetings that occur between some highway agencies and the railroads. In these regularly scheduled meetings, the organizations review project status to keep the program on schedule.
H IGH P RIORITY I NNOVATIONS S ELECTED BY COI M EMBERS 13.Develop a best practice and guidance on streamlining the easement permit process. Potentially BNSF and WSDOT will champion this innovation. 14.Develop a case study or guidance document addressing the need for early and frequent project coordination. The case study would discuss the need for early involvement with the project sponsor, consultants and the contractors. Rail America
R16 Dissemination Activities
Short Term Continue to add Innovations to Innovation Catalogue Identify additional champion pairs Other dissemination options – Workshops, peer exchanges, discussions and other forums Facilitate implementation Other Activities – Training – Virtual Library – Virtual Community of Interest Keep RR and DOTs informed
Other Next Steps There will be an Implementation Workshop in October/November 2012 Additional RR-DOT pairs will be considered for implementation of R16 innovations If interested in being part of the implementation please contact: Shobna Varma S TAR I SIS C ORPORATION