DEEWR – current and future use of the AGS
Budget Move to a higher education system that responds to student demand. $1.2 billion over the next four years to fund growth in university enrolments ‘ This funding will provide more than 480,000 undergraduate places at public universities this year This investment is on top of $2.77 billion in funding already committed by the Government to support the move to a higher education system that responds to student demand.
Maintaining quality in higher education Advancing Quality in Higher Education – TEQSA – Performance Funding – My University – Structural Adjustment Fund – Promotion of excellence in university teaching – Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Advancing Quality in Higher Education $30.8 million is available in 2012 and 2013 for a new package of quality initiatives: – Performance measurement tools – University Experience Survey, Collegiate Learning Assessment and composite Teaching Quality Indicator; – Working with GCA to review and improve the AGS; – Enhancing the My University website; – Providing access to geocoding software enabling universities to support low SES students; and – Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
University Experience Survey Consortium led by ACER selected to develop UES National Forum – May 2011 Design consultation paper Draft instrument under development Pilot implementation – August 2011 Full implementation – 2012 Baseline performance – 2013
Review of the Australian Graduate Survey Proposal for DEEWR to work with GCA and the higher education sector to review the GDS and CEQ. The review will – review the strategic position of the GDS and CEQ – improve the content and data collection methods – deliver more timely information – consider how to better capture student experience for external, Indigenous and international students Up to $1.5 million in 2012 and $2.4 million in 2013 available for development and implementation of the strengthened AGS.
DEEWR publication of AGS results Characteristics and Performance of HEIs, 1998 Characteristics and Performance of HEIs, 2000 Ten Fields, 2001 Going to Uni,2004 Learning and Teaching Performance Fund, 2006 Compacts/Performance Funding
The MyUniversity website As part of the new quality assurance arrangements, the Australian Government announced in March 2010, its intention to develop a MyUniversity website by MyUniversity will support the move to a new more student-centred and transparent higher education system. MyUniversity will be user-friendly, interactive and searchable.
What will MyUniversity include? MyUniversity will be an interactive, searchable website. The first release will include data currently collected and published, including: course information; student/staff ratios; student numbers; applications and offers; results of student satisfaction surveys; results of graduate destination surveys; information about fees; information about student services and campus facilities, submitted by universities; and research student numbers.
Structure of website Structure of the website The MyUniversity website will be divided into four sections: MySearch – This section will allow users to choose from a range of criteria and search based on those criteria. University – This section will allow users to search by specific university or compare universities they choose. Courses – This section will allow users to search for specific courses. Post-graduate – This section will provide information on research student numbers and scholarships.
Consultation DEEWR has sought and will continue to seek expert advice from the sector at key points throughout the development of the website. Equally importantly, we have been consulting with prospective users to gauge their views, through market research. University information sessions are scheduled for July/August 2011.