RDA: A New Standard Supporting Resource Discovery Presentation given at the CLA conference session The Future of Resource Discovery: Promoting Resource Discovery with Improved Metadata June 3, 2010 by Tom Delsey
resource discovery find Find resources that correspond to the user’s search criteria identify Confirm that the resource found corresponds to the resource sought select Select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs obtain Acquire or access the resource described
work expression manifestation item key objects of interest family corporate body person concept object event place
Preferred title for the work Creator Subject Title proper Manifestation identifier core elements manifestation find work Work manifested
Preferred title for the work Creator Subject Title proper Manifestation identifier core elements workmanifestation Identifier for the expression Content type Language of expression Date of expression Other distinguishing characteristic … Scale of cartographic content Statement of responsibility … Designation of edition Numbering of serials Place of publication Publisher’s name Date of publication Title proper of series/subseries Numbering within series/subseries Carrier type Extent Identifier for the work Form of work Date of work Place of origin … Other distinguishing characteristic … Medium of performance Numeric designation … Key Signatory to a treaty, etc. expression findidentify
enhanced description Base elements derived from AACR2 and MARC 21 Additional descriptive elements ―Content type, Media type, Carrier type ―Resolution, Regional encoding, Transmission speed Specific identification of “buried” elements ―Nature of the content, Coverage of the content, Accessibility content
controlled vocabularies Incorporates controlled vocabularies derived from AACR2 and MARC 21 Additional controlled vocabularies ―Content type, Media type, Carrier type ―Form of musical notation, Form of notated movement ―Production method, Encoding format Potential for automated “translation” and “customization” of vocabularies
extended access Elimination of “rule of three” ―No limit to access points for creators, contributors, etc. ―No limit to access points for works contained in a compilation “Unbundling” of elements within access points ―Potential for use as searchable elements or search limiters ―Potential for customization of access points
relationships Elements defined specifically to record relationships ―Adds meaning to conventional “added entry” ―Clarifies identity of related entity Relationship designators ―Indicate specific nature of the relationship ―Potential for use as searchable element or as search limiter ―Potential for use in organizing results sets
relational / object-oriented database structure Title proper Variant title Statement of responsibility relating to title proper Designation of edition Place of publication Publisher’s name Date of publication Carrier type Extent … MANIFESTATION RECORD Preferred title for the work Nature of the content … Person associated with the work Relationship designator Person associated with the work Relationship designator Related work WORK RECORD Language of expression … Person associated with the expression Relationship designator EXPRESSION RECORD Preferred name for the person Variant name for the person Title of the person … Related person Preferred name for the person Variant name for the person Date of birth … Related person REGISTRATION RECORD (PERSON) REGISTRATION RECORD (PERSON) Preferred name for the person Variant name for the person Profession or occupation … REGISTRATION RECORD (PERSON) work embodied expression embodied expression of work Custodial history of item Item-specific carrier characteristic Restrictions on access … ITEM RECORD exemplar of manifestation
web-accessible data Coordination with DCMI ―Alignment with W3C and DCMI models ―Registration of RDA element set and vocabularies Coordination with ONIX ―Development of RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization
summing up RDA as a metadata standard ―Comprehensive element set ―Flexible and extensible framework ―Well-formed metadata Exploiting the potential ―User-focussed implementation ―Migration to newer database management systems ―Enhancements to applications software