Purpose To provide a forum for discussion and identify action officers for implementation of some of the JLETES recommendations. To update actions taken thus far to implement, modify or further assess recommendations made by the Joint Logistics Education, Training and Exercise Study (JLETES). To discuss and identify additional actions or requirements necessary to improve Joint (Interagency and Multinational) logistics education and training. To identify responsible parties for low hanging fruit, recommendations, and develop POA&Ms. 2
The Joint Logistics Board – A GO/FO level board which provides unified logistics guidance and strategic direction to the joint logistics community. – Charter signed March The Joint Command and Control (C2) Community has developed a overarching C2 governance instruction guided by CJCSI – Draft CJCSI , Command and Control Training Management, provides a detailed plan for governance of C2 training and education in support of the CJCSI (Note: This was closed as a issue at WJTSC 10-1) 3 Overarching Recommendation 1: Establish Governing Authority for Joint Logistics Education and Training
The Intelligence Community has developed a process to address education and training issues under the guidance of DOD T2 Implementation Plan including a standing working group at WJTSC. Per the JS Director for Logistics Annual Guidance for 2010, ownership of the Joint Logistics COMPASS Logistics Education Plank was transferred in 2009 to the Center for Joint and Strategic Logistics. Recommended action: Joint Logistics Working Group propose a governing structure for Joint Logistics Education and Training. – DISCUSSION: What should the Joint Logistics Education and Training Governing Authority look like? – Can the joint logistics education and training roles and responsibilities be added to a charter for an existing governing structure? 4 Overarching Recommendation 1: Establish Governing Authority for Joint Log Education and Training (con.)
Numerous systems exists but not necessarily linked or cohere that could be leveraged in the stand up of a Joint Logistics AKMS including: – The DAU ACC Logistics Educators Site (no updates since 2009) – OSD (LM&R) Supply Chain Integration website – The LOG CoP Training Center – Defense Acquisition Portal Communities of Practice – OSD (AT&L) Knowledge Sharing System Recommended action: Stand up 0-6 level working group under Joint Logistics Board to: – Comb landscape – Evaluate potential candidates that could be leveraged for an AKMS – Identify potential resource avenues – Make recommendations on best way ahead for Joint Log AKMS DISCUSSION: Is this the right way ahead? Who should be on this working group? Who should have the lead? 5 Overarching Recommendation 2: Develop a Joint Logistics Advanced Knowledge Management System
Joint Knowledge On-line Joint Logistics and Planning Courses – Recommended action: Create advertising campaign for the 40 + planning and logistics-related JKO training courses currently available for COCOM Joint Logisticians including areas of identified deficiency such as: Joint Planning Deployment and Distribution JOPESWorking with IA/MN/NGOs JTF Logistics Joint Logistics Systems Port Openings Theater Logistics Operations Operational Contract Support Etc. DISCUSSION: Would this be helpful? Who should be on team? POA&M? Who should lead? 6 Other JLETES Recommendations Quick Help for the Joint Logistics Warfighter
Access to Joint Logistics Materials and Links – Recommended action: Update DAU ACC Logistics Educators page with available joint logistics and planning source material and links including: Joint Operational Art and Campaigning Primer NATO Coalition Handbook for Logistics Support of Civilian-led Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief Ops DAU Logistics COP Training Center JTF Headquarters Training Guides Joint Contingency Contracting Handbook Etc. Searchable Joint Logistics Education and Training database – Recommended action: Leverage existing USTRANSCOM Log Ed./Trng. database & JLETES Education Landscape to create complete searchable database. DISCUSSION: Are these good ideas and doable? Who should be the lead ? POA&M? 7 Other JLETES Recommendations Quick Help for the Joint Logistics Warfighter (con.)
Education and Training Coding of Combatant Command Joint Logistics Billets – Recommended actions: USTRANSCOM brief the process of how they coded all their joint logistics billets with required education/training at WJTSC Review COCOM logistics billets, code similar ones, and map appropriate courses to each and document in the electronic Joint Manpower Personnel System (eJMPS) Use of Real World Joint Log Systems in Combatant Commander Exercises – Recommended action: USJFCOM and USTRANSCOM Log Exercise Planners develop way ahead to increase use of real world systems in exercises to be briefed at future WJTSC DISCUSSION: Who would be the responsible parties? POA&M? 8 Other JLETES Recommendations
WJTSC Joint Logistics Working Group use Open Discussion time to gain consensus on the issues to tackle, determine roles and responsibilities, and develop POA&Ms. Joint Logistics Community use the WJTSC as a forum for a standing working group to identify Joint Logistics Education and Training issues, concerns and recommended implementation actions to higher authority. The working group would also synchronize and integrate initiatives for presentation to senior leadership. 9 Way Ahead