THE ADRC AND REBALANCING IN MARYLAND The Maryland Gerontological Association 29 th Annual Conference June 22, 2011
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Tug Boat Tugboats are used to pull ships or all sea going structures that cannot move on their own. Tugboats are strong and powerful, completely opposite to their appearance and size. We think the ADRC operates like a tug boat to bring about change in large established systems.
The Little Tug Boat that Said it Could!
Presentation Outline The Aging and Disability Resource Center Journey National Vision Maryland Access Point (MAP) Aging and Disability Partnership Development The Maryland ADRC Vision and Sustainability Maryland Access Point Web-based Searchable Data Base
New Kid on the Block
The National ADRC Journey Maryland and 11 other states receive first grants to develop Vision: Establish visible trusted entities where consumers may seek streamlined access to long term services and supports Included in Older Americans Act Today in 54 states and territories and Canada Expanded vision: building upon the ADRC entities to pilot and integrate diversion programs Development of standards for operations and consistency National Partners: Administration on Aging; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Veterans Administration; Office of Disabilities
The Maryland ADRC Journey The Beginning AoA/CMS Grants to Develop ADRC/MAP Two County Sites (Health Department and Area Agency on Aging) Creation of State Advisory Board Sub-committees of the State Board Conduct Research to develop infrastructure elements No Wrong Door Web Based Information Center Marketing and Outreach Evaluation Executive Committee State Funding
Picking Up Speed
The MAP Journey Learning/Growing Increase to Ten local sites Develop Standards and Criteria Integration with other Maryland Rebalancing Programs MFP HCBS Waivers New Federal Development Grants and Opportunities Community Living Program Person Centered Hospital Discharge Veterans Directed Community Care Minimum Data Set.3 (MDS 3) Evidence Based Care Transitions Options Counseling Statewide Searchable Data Base Expanding Partnerships and Philosophies
Silos Health Aging Disabilities Human Resources Personal Care Waiver Personal Care Technical Eligibility Waiver Technical Eligibility Financial Eligibility Medical Eligibility Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Waiver Technical Eligibility Personal Care
Community Providers State Government Institutional Providers Federal Programs County Government Medicaid Disability- Specific Orgs Advocacy Groups Protection & Advocacy Agency Centers for Independent Living Current System Where should I go ?
Aging and Disability Resource Center Community Providers CILs P & A Advocacy Groups Disability- Specific Orgs Medicaid County Government State Government Federal Programs Institutional Providers How We Want to Be: No Wrong Door Where ever I go!
Partnerships Aging and Disability
Partnerships: Aging and Disability Aging & Disability/IL use different terms Aging & Disability Terminology Survey tae.orgwww.adrc- Take survey & Discuss among staff and consumers what language to use Communicate philosophies to each other/Educate each other Value individuals Advocacy Wealth of knowledge Need each other
Individual’s Perspective Many systems to navigate People are different and thus identify themselves differently Individuals want their needs met and will pick a silo based on which one he/she thinks will best serve him/her All individuals want to be able to have choice and control over their lives
Aging and Disability Language Survey People Receiving Services or Supports… Strongly Prefer NeutralOppose Strongly Oppose A Client B Consumer C Customer D Individual E Peer F Participant G Member H Person We Support I Person We Work With J Care Recipient K Loved One L Person With A Disability M N In your opinion, which term or terms in the list above would you most like people involved in ADRC projects to use? Instructions: Place an X or a in the column that best matches your preference for each word. Words are categorized by the type of person or thing they describe. Blank spaces are provided for you to fill in other words you use that fit each category. Underneath each section, you are asked to identify your preference for the word or words you would most like to see used widely by ADRCs, and also to share your reactions to any specific terms from each list.
The Vision People first Statewide web site Statewide site accessibility (20 local sites) Strengthen and expand partners Integration with Maryland rebalancing efforts Integration with national network and rebalancing efforts Clarify and strengthen infrastructure Outcomes based evaluation and research Piloting new models that contribute to rebalancing
ADRC Sustainability ADRC/MAP must Listen to the people it serves Be permeable to new information and developments Develop and maintain solid partnerships Recognize and incorporate new developments and realign existing structures Obtain and align the resources it needs to serve its constituents
Contact Information Stephanie A. Hull Chief, Long Term Care Services Maryland Department of Aging 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland Voice