International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS - 43 Years of International Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Information Head, INIS Unit NIS Section.


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Presentation transcript:

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS - 43 Years of International Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Information Head, INIS Unit NIS Section Nuclear Information Technology (China) Forum (NITF) Shanghai, China, 8-9 August 2013 Nuclear Energy Department, IAEA Taghrid ATIEH

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) What INIS can do for You What is INIS   Products  International Cooperation T. AtiehNITF 2013, China2

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Vienna, Austria The world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field Was set up as the world´s "Atoms for Peace" organization in 1957 within the United Nations family Works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear technologies As of February 2013; 159 Member States A team of 2300 multi-disciplinary professional and support staff from more than 100 countries T. AtiehNITF 2013, China3

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) IAEA’s Statute: … to foster the exchange of scientific & technical information on the peaceful uses of atomic energy Article III.A.3 T. AtiehNITF 2013, China4

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Established in 1970 The leading information system on peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology INIS Secretariat at IAEA Vienna – Austria The first international computerized system T. AtiehNITF 2013, China5

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Mission To collect, process and preserve, and disseminate: Bibliographic data of the world’s nuclear literature Full texts of non-conventional or 'grey' literature T. AtiehNITF 2013, China6

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Membership International Cooperation 128 Member States and 24 International Organizations Every INIS Member is represented by national INIS Liaison Officer T. AtiehNITF 2013, China7

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) National INIS Centres INIS Secretariat National INIS Centres Input preparation - Users - Producers of literature - Utilization - Collection Products Overview of INIS Operation Reliable Sources Publishers Input preparation T. AtiehNITF 2013, China8

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Nuclear engineering and technology including fission reactors, nuclear power plants, fusion technology, nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste management. Nuclear safety and radiation protection dealing with the safe operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants, protection of the public from accidental and chronic exposure, safe transport and storage of radioactive wastes as well as monitoring and protection of the environment. Application of nuclear and isotope techniques in medicine, food and agriculture, water resource management, industrial applications and similar development activities. Subject Scope T. AtiehNITF 2013, China9

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Sciences relevant to nuclear research and other applications such as effects of radiation and radioisotopes in biology, chemistry and material sciences, physics and earth sciences. Nuclear physics Plasma physics Condensed matter (nuclear aspects) Elementary Particles Atomic and Molecular Physics Radiochemistry Radiation Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Physics:Chemistry: Subject Scope T. AtiehNITF 2013, China10

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Safeguards and non-Proliferation Environmental and Economic aspects of nuclear & non-nuclear energy sources Legal aspects Subject Scope T. AtiehNITF 2013, China11

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS collects literature on all aspects of the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology thereby Reflects the activities and interests of all IAEA Members States Subject Scope T. AtiehNITF 2013, China12

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Collection/ Database, from 1970 Over 3.5 million indexed records English abstract Over records/year 1.    Weekly updates Full texts searchable   Open on the Web Over hits/month   Main Products: T. AtiehNITF 2013, China13

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Search Interface in 8 languages T. AtiehNITF 2013, China14

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Types of Literature : Journal Articles Reports Conference Papers Books Patents Laws & legislations Theses others         T. AtiehNITF 2013, China15

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Thesaurus: (~ 30,000 terms) 2. Main Products: Arabic-Chinese-English-French-German-Japanese-Russian-Spani sh Multilingual Thesaurus: 3. A major tool for describing nuclear information and knowledge in structured form and for information retrieval T. AtiehNITF 2013, China16

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) T. AtiehNITF 2013, China17

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) 18T. AtiehNITF 2013, China

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) T. AtiehNITF 2013, China19

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Non-Conventional ‘Grey’ literature (NCL):4. Definition: Scientific and technical reports, conference papers, theses and patent documents, Laws and legislations,etc which are not readily available through commercial channels INIS is a pioneer in preservation of nuclear literature Main Products: ~ 500,000 full texts searchable: Western European, Cyrillic and Slavic scripts, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai languages T. AtiehNITF 2013, China20

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Abundance, Volatile, Not controlled/Unreliable Web INIS High Quality, Structured Database Reliable Source, Selected, Evaluated, Value added T. AtiehNITF 2013, China21

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS Thesaurus continues to grow Digitization of full texts of microfiches INIS Collection on the web Access to Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) records of international nuclear science and technology literature prior to INIS Multilingual support in INIS products Computer-Assisted Indexing (CAI) FIBRE+ (integrated software package for input preparation and checking) The last 10 years: International Cooperation T. AtiehNITF 2013, China22

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Further simplification of INIS input records Provide access to other nuclear information resources Continue to use new information technology and methodologies Future: T. AtiehNITF 2013, China23

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) What INIS Can do for You: Reliable information sources to support national nuclear programme Preserve the country’s literature for future generations Worldwide visibility of your achievements /identify collaborators Single point of access to current and historical information T. AtiehNITF 2013, China24

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Current Status of NPPs in China Different nuclear information resources and databases 18 NPP units in operation 28 units under construction T. AtiehNITF 2013, China25

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Sharing information resources on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology via reliable information system is the way for sustainable international cooperation INIS - 43 Years of International Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Information … is at hand T. AtiehNITF 2013, China26

International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Your National INIS Liaison Officer Ms Taghrid ATIEH Head, INIS Unit T: (+43-1) Thank you T. AtiehNITF 2013, China27 Users in China: