Debra Jennings, Director Center for Parent Information and Resources The Parent Technical Assistance Network & PROMISE
Today’s Parent Centers are: providing information and support on a complex set of laws and on ever-evolving research and evidence-based best practices; supporting an increasingly diverse population of families and youth with a wide range of needs and concerns; partnering with an expanding list of national, State, and local agencies and professionals; and operating effective, high-quality, high-impact, and innovative non-profits in environments of reduced funding and higher expectations.
The Parent Center Technical Assistance Network
Regional PTACs Build the capacity of PTIs and CPRCs to effectively serve families. Provide services based on identified needs of Parent Centers in their regions. Collaborate with the National PTACs in identifying universal needs across the Parent Center Network Partner with other USDE-funded Centers in disseminating resources for use by Parent Centers and state agencies.
1.NJ-Statewide Parent Advocacy Network 2.NC-Exceptional Children Advocacy Center 3.GA-Parent to Parent of Georgia 4.WI-FACETs 5.CO-Peak Parent Center 6.CA-MATRIX Parent Center RPTACs
@EPICS in Albuquerque, NM Provides technical assistance for PTIs and CPRCs nationwide. Building Parent Center Network’s capacity to provide effective, culturally responsive services to Native American families of children with disabilities, as well as youth with disabilities. Native American Parent TA Center
Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) 1.Provides Parent Centers with products and materials to support their work with families 2.Increase coordination of parent training efforts throughout the network 3.Increase knowledge base of parent centers in priority areas
Debra Jennings, Project Director (SPAN) Elaine Mulligan, Director of Communication & Dissemination (FHI 360) Lisa Küpper, Product Development Coordinator (FHI 360) Myriam Alizo, Project Assistant (SPAN) CPIR Team
Knowledge Development Availability of relevant resources Best practices in providing technical assistance & family support Capacity building in priority areas Best practices in nonprofit management
TA Focus Areas 1.Evidence-based education practices that improve early learning 2.Evidence-based education practices that improve school-aged outcomes 3.Evidence-based education practices that improve postsecondary outcomes 4.College & career-ready standards 5.College & career-ready assessments 6.School reform efforts to improve student achievement & increase graduation rates
TA Focus Areas 7.The use of data to inform instruction 8.The use of data to advance school reform efforts 9.Best practices in outreach 10.Best practices in family-centered services 11.Best practices in self-advocacy skill building 12.Best practices in nonprofit management 13.Best practices in the use of technology in service provision 14.Best practices in the use of technology in nonprofit management
Intermediate Outcomes Consistent information for families & youth Responsive product development Use & adaptation of existing resources Reduced duplication of effort Increased use of library by Parent Centers Increased coordination of Parent Center training efforts Improved Parent Center capacity to meet federal grant requirements
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