Introductions Lindsey Peters Research Analyst III with Workforce Research team (573) Meredith Hill Planner II with Economic Research team (573)
Agenda 1:15-2:15—Labor Market Information Overview 2:15-2:30—Short break 2:30-3:30—Break-out sessions by targeted audience LMI Uses for Assisting Job Seekers &Workforce Development LMI Uses for Economic & Strategic Development 3:30-3:45—Short break 3:45-4:30—Wrap-up of events/Q&A
Why do I have a remote control?? Turning Point software You’ll use these “remotes” to for: Questions & Answers Presentation interaction Feedback for review Aim for the laptop to register your response
Which of the following best describes your primary work? 1. Workforce Developer 2. Economic Developer 3. Career Counselor 4. Educator 5. Other
How often do you work with LMI? 1. I work with it frequently 2. I use LMI infrequently 3. I have no experience using LMI
LMI for Outlook Decision Makers Tour of synthesized LMI portals for: Historic and Current Conditions Labor Force Workforce Cluster-Based Development Skills Gap What strategic planning data would you like explored/discussed today? Or
LMI for Job Seekers/Workforce Development Tour of MERIC & Non-MERIC LMI data portals for: Occupational Outlooks Projections LEHD Staffing Patterns Skills Analysis O*Net Missouri Career Exploration Tool
Which of the two breakout sessions will you be attending? 1. LMI for Jobseekers/ Workforce Development 2. LMI for Outlook Decision Makers
Let’s get started………
What is LMI? Data Comprehensive data related to employers and respective employees Collected Complied according to standard statistical procedures governed by state and federal regulations Reported Describes current conditions and predicts relations between labor supply and demand
Common Types of LMI Employment Data Labor Force Data Wage Data Demographics Data Career Planning Data
Missouri’s One-Stop LMI Shop State LMI Shop Original Research Workforce Economic Business Intelligence & Communication
How familiar are you with the MERIC website? 1. I use it frequently and am familiar with the site 2. I use MERIC infrequently 3. I do not use the MERIC website
What can we do with LMI?
Employment Data …is about JOBS; NOT the employees in them! - includes data of actual jobs by place of work. Provides Job Data Regarding: How Many What Type/Industry Paying What Wage Located Where Requiring What Skills/Education Projected to Grow/Decline
Where to Find – Employment Data Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages - QCEW Based on Industry Classifications - NAICS Searchable by Geography and/or Industry Industry Employment Information is inclusive of all Occupations within each Industry. Example Scenario: A telecommunications business is interested in re- locating to Jackson County, it wants to know how competitive the industry is in the area though before investing in the move……..
Labor Employment Household Dynamics-LEHD Based on Industry Classifications – NAICS (up to 4-digit) Searchable by Geography and/or Industry Industry Employment information is inclusive of all Occupations within each Industry. Where to Find—Employment Data
Labor Force Data …is about PEOPLE and where they reside, not the jobs they do! – Includes data on people by place of residence, regardless of where they work. Provides Data Regarding: The Employed and Unemployed Where Residents Work What Residents Earn Educational Attainment/Skills
Where to Find – Labor Force Data Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Monthly Employed and Unemployed MERIC Option State, County, CSA, MSA and City Options
Quick Find – Labor Force Data Regional Demographic Summary Snapshot Summary Population Income Educational Attainment
Quick Find – Labor Force Data Migration Patterns Year to Year County Movements MERIC County Specific Favorable Job Markets Regional Commuting
Wage Data …is closely tied to employment data AND labor force data. Provided Data: Industry Averages Occupational Average Regional Breakouts Demographic Difference
Where to Find – Wage Data Example Question: What is the entry- level hourly wage for a worker employed in the Ozark Region as a public relations manager? Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Occupational Employment and Wages MERIC Option Search by Region or Occupation Mean, Entry, Experienced and Median Wages
Demographics Data …is about GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS related to employment and workers. The data is most widely distributed by the Census Bureau Provided Data in 10 Year Census Counts and Annual Estimates : Age Income Race Households
Where to Find – Demographic Data US Census Finite to state level geographies Complex tables to simple summaries Example Question: What is the number of Missourians (25 and over) that do not have a high school diploma? How many have a Bachelor’s degree or higher?
Career Planning Data …enables planning for future careers, both long-term & short- term. Provides Data Regarding: Regional and State In-Demand Jobs Training Programs Available Wages for Major Occupations
Where to Find – Career Planning Data O*Net Online Missouri Career Exploration Tool Newly updated! Missouri Occupational Projections Short-term Long-term These tools and websites offer information describing the over 800 occupations, their average wages, education and training requirements, and employment outlook.
Occupational Information Network (O*Net) Online Assisting all types of job seekers and businesses Jobseekers can narrow career path searches Businesses can utilize for human resources Integrated System with CareerOneStop and Career Center’s Toolbox Constantly Updated
Missouri Career Exploration Tool Missouri-specific employment figures O*Net data Job Openings WorkKeys filters
State Occupational Projections Bureau of Labor Statistics QCEW NAICS Establishments MERIC 2 and 10-year Supplements non-farm data with self- employed, agriculture, religious organization, and railroad employment
A veteran has recently re-enter civilian life and is planning to apply to enter school in order to gain additional skills and experience for a new occupation. In order to go to school though, he needs scholarship and funding. The NGCC is assisting him with applications for funding, but we need to know that his chosen occupation will have growth and availability in Missouri once he graduates. Let’s use the career planning data tools to see if we can help score his funding for training to be a mechanical engineer. Case Study Career Planning- In Action
O*Net Online: Missouri Career Exploration Tool: Missouri Occupational Projections: Career Planning Data
Which of the tools referenced here today have you used in the past? 1. QCEW 2. LEHD 3. LAUS 4. OES 5. Census Factfinder 6. O*Net Online 7. Missouri Career Exploration Tool 8. Occupational Projections
Which of the tools referenced here today would you like more information about? 1. QCEW 2. LEHD 3. LAUS 4. OES 5. Census Factfinder 6. O*Net Online 7. Missouri Career Exploration Tool 8. Occupational Projections
LMI Fundamentals Cheat Sheet
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