17 May 2012 NTKN Digitization Working Group National Transportation Knowledge Network Digitization Working Group: Current Activities and Next Steps NTKN Digitization Working Group
NTKN National Transportation Knowledge Network Digitization Working Group Current Activities and Next Steps Transportation Librarians Roundtable 17 May 2012 In memory of Mary Ellen Tucker, NTKN DWG Member, June April 2012
NTKN Agenda NTKN Digitization Working Group (DWG) overview Current Activities – Transportation digitization activities, facilities, & skills – Transportation community needs Next Steps – Products – Partnerships 4
NTKN About the NTKN Digitization Working Group Who: – John Cherney, WisDOT Research Library – Alicia Kehrig, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission – Louise Rosenzweig, University of Texas, Austin – Mary Ellen Tucker, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center – Amanda J. Wilson, National Transportation Library What Purpose: Facilitate a coordinated digitization agenda and approach for transportation information collections and resources to increase access for the transportation community and decision-makers 5
NTKN Current Activities: State of Digitization Research (themes*) 6 *more than one theme could be attached to an article
NTKN Current Activities: State of Transportation Digitization Who is digitizing what? How often? For what purpose? Who has access? With what tools and skills? How are resources allocated to support digitization? Is it project-driven, ad hoc, or regular part of the work of transportation libraries and information centers? Who else besides library and information center staff are involved? What standards are being used? What challenges does the library face regarding digitization? What role(s) can the NTKN DWG fulfill to support identified needs? 7 Digitization (who, what, why, how much, etc.) and Access (description, availability, etc.) were the two areas for which the NTKN DWG needed information
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Who & What 8
NTKN 9 Format(s) organizations are actively scanning and converting to digital (n=34)
NTKNNTKN Your Feedback 10 or
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why & How 11
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why and How -- Access 12
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why and How – Process & People 13
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why and How – Capability in Resources 14
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why and How – Skill Sets 15
NTKN Transportation Digitization Activity: Why and How -- Metadata 48% (n=31) currently embed metadata 26% (n=31) plan to embed metadata in the future 26% (n=31) do not embed. Reasons (n=8): – Lack human or fiscal resources (76%) – Lack system capability (25%) – Haven’t thought about it (0%) – Don’t know (38%) 16
NTKNNTKN Your Feedback 17 or
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Resources (n=40) – Lack of Funding (63%) – Lack of Dedicated Staff (45%) – Lack of Time (75%)
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Copyright – Is item in the public domain? – Composing the correct rights statement
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Copyright – - great example of attribution statement, terms of use, and general usage guidelineshttp://historicalphotos.iowadot.gov/ – Paul Burley, Northwestern – excellent copyright checklist example
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Access (internal) – Over 80% primary audience is agency staff – Almost 60% digitizing materials for internal access only
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Access (external) Iowa Dept. of Transportation Historic Archives Digital Collections: Northwestern Transportation Library Menu Collection: Minnesota Dept. of Transportation Collection: L.A. Metro Transportation Library and Archives photostream: L.A. Metro Transportation Library and Archive film and video:
NTKNNTKN Transportation Digitization: Challenges Access (external) Google digitization: Hathi Trust Digital Library: Internet Archive:
NTKNNTKN Your Feedback 24 or
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps How can NTKN better support digitization efforts (n=40) – 67% - Identify & promote best practices – 49% - Take a leadership role in the development of guidelines and manuals 25
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Identifying Best Practices – Look at the successful transportation projects of Northwestern, L.A. Metro, Iowa DOT, Virginia DOT, Minnesota DOT and others. – Contact national transportation organizations about their practices (TRB, AASHTO, FHWA, etc.) 26
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Best Practices of Professional Partners – Use the expertise and guidelines of established partners for transportation collections – WisDOT Wisconsin Heritage Online ( 27
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Best Practices of Professional Partners – Example: Scanning guidelines – Minimum Specifications and Resolution Chart 28
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Connect with TKN and other Transportation Partners – NTKN Cataloging and Metadata Initiative – TRB LIST – AASHTO RAC TKN Task Force Repository Working Group Report Distribution Working Group – SLA Transportation Division – Other TRB Committees? 29
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Best Practices – Minimum Standards – Need to be easy enough for small outfits – Need to be standardized enough to create a quality product – Includes selection criteria, scanning, metadata, and others. 30
NTKN NTKN DWG – Next Steps Best Practices – Training – Software clients currently in use – DWG as a vetting agent? 31
NTKN Transportation Digitization – The Future Communicating Our Experience – Greater connectivity with our partners – Various report mechanisms – online, toolkit, others? 32
NTKN NTKN DWG – The Future: Some Ideas – Link digital repositories for greater benefit and access to all – can we help identify and give access to previously internal-only information – Publish minimal or standard set of best practices (toolkit idea) – Suggest training resources, especially of the self-guided variety. Can the DWG be a vetting agent? – Suggest resources and/or processes for monitoring copyright issues. – For experienced digitizers, what can DWG offer? – How do we maintain long-term access? (particularly with many being put up for internal use only) – Who are out different audiences? – Further investigation on the access issue for digitized content Partners for Access – AASHTO RAC TKN TF Report Distribution TG – AASHTO RAC TKN TF Repositories WG – NTKN Cataloging and Metadata Initiative – Others? 33
NTKN Transportation Digitization – The Future New NTKN DWG Members – Do you see yourself in some of the data presented here? – Do you have processes, ideas, strategies, lessons learned, etc. to share? – Want to be a part of creating the DWG products for the transportation community? We need YOU to become a part of the NTKN DWG! 34
NTKNNTKN Your Feedback 35 or
NTKN THANK YOU! Question? Comments? Contact any member of the NTKN DWG! 36