By Clint Basham Clean Air – Cool Planet 2012 Climate Fellow
Carbon Reduction Strategies Why reduce carbon? And Why have a strategy to do so?
Humans + Fossil Fuels Humans + Fossil Fuels Greenhouse Gases Greenhouse Gases Rising Global Temperatures Climate Impacts
Declining late-season snowpack Northward-shifted winter storm tracks Increasing precipitation intensity Worst drought since measurements began Steep declines in Colorado River reservoir storage Widespread vegetation mortality Sharp increases in the frequency of large wildfires Globally – sea level rise, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity and cultural diversity, climate refugees
Where do we start? Greenhouse Gas Inventories – Can’t Manage what you don’t Measure – Direct and Indirect Carbon Emissions – What is your largest sources emissions? – What low hanging fruit can be picked? – Essential Step in developing your CAP
Climate Action Plans How do we achieve Carbon Neutrality? What Carbon Reduction Strategies should take priority? What size and how many projects should be part of the portfolio? How are the projects financed? What is the return on investment?
Climate Leadership – Institutes of Higher Education take the lead – ACUPCC 660 Signatories 1608 GHG inventories 476 Climate Action Plans
What Is your carbon footprint? What Is your carbon footprint? What is the Future of your carbon footprint? How to Reduce your carbon footprint? How to Reduce your carbon footprint? NOW ONLINE!Online Soon!
Transition Represents Significant Opportunity Increased Usability More Users Equals More CAPs Online Searchable Database Comprehensive Look At Sustainability
All Solutions All Sources One Location!
Web-Based CCC extensive user increase o Climate Action Planning simplified Collective Experience o Carbon Reduction Strategies / Sustainability Projects o Increasing Quantity o Increasing Diversity
Solutions Module
Power and Potential The Project Library – Rooted in the Web-Based Campus Carbon Calculator – Ability to efficiently and effectively develop your climate action plan – Collaboration and Innovation
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TOMORROW POST CONFERENCE WORKSHOP Campus Carbon Calculator Transformed - A New Era in Campus Carbon Management October 17 (TODAY); 8:00am -12:00pm LA Convention Center, 503