CS Senior Project Brief
Problem Statement Globalization Individuals, teams, and organizations make critical errors because of culture Market need for tools and expertise in cross cultural competence (3C)
Project Requirements Take job aids and cultural toolkit to a database driven searchable (multiple fields, e.g. region, task type, etc.) web and mobile device tool – Hofstede, Trompenaars, Gelfand, dimensions – This data is already collected, and much is easily accessible – Graphically represented (infographics?), allowing comparisons Interface with a map w/ regions Place to upload tagged, searchable video 3 rd party content (e.g. Ghosn video),Ghosn video Place where questionnaires can be placed and data portrayed real time in infographics. Ability to add content, serve as a portal for partners websites and products
ICCM Differentiators Content expertise Research capabilities Access to first hand accounts of culture Partners with advanced technology companies
Richard Griffith, Ph.D., Executive Director Institute for Cross-Cultural Management (321) iccmglobal.com Thank You!