Strategic directions How will education libraries best serve their communities in 2015 Judy O’Connell Course Director (Teacher Librarianship) School of Information Studies Faculty of Education Charles Sturt University
FACULTY OF EDUCATION JUDY O ’ CONNELL Strategic Directions for School Libraries SCIS Consultation 4 December 2012
This is our context! Multi-literate, multi-device curriculum environments Natural user interfaces & game-based learning Expanding ‘ services ’ & collaborative spaces New information pathways & cloud environments Accessible and searchable collections Critical thinking and authentic problem solving Socially networked & collaborative Web 2.0 Copyright, creative commons, digital citizenship.... our augmented environments reality Horizon Report K-12 JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY
.... our library services reality The spaces and places of libraries are physical and virtual, adopting and adapting Web 2.0 media tools to enhance and envelop school learning communities into a series of globally powered learning commons—dynamic, collaborative 21st century library environments! JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY This is our context!
Semantic Web of knowledge Semantic Web of intelligence Web of information Web of people & social information Degree of Information Connectivity An introduction to the Semantic Web
JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY How does search impact the way students think and the way we organise information access ? cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by fatboyke (Luc): Google creates the illusion of accessibility
JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY Whereas traditional library metadata has always been focused on helping humans find and make use of information, linked data ontologies are focused on helping machines find and make use of information. On the web – of the web ~
This uri from the Library of Congress has now become the globally available, machine and human readable, reliable source for the description for the subject heading of ‘Elephants’ containing links to its related terms (in a way that both machines and humans can navigate) Open Library is an open, editable library catalog building towards a web page for every book ever published. Project of the Internet Archive.
JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY This is our context!.... our library services reality The catalogue has been a silo but with RDA data can move beyond bibliographic and authority records RDA encourages the recording of sufficient data to support more precise collocation RDA emphasizes the importance of relationships RDA adds precision to access points RDA provides greater internationalisation RDA builds a display of results that conveys meaningful information to the user
This is our context! Metadata ~ what are the rules of engagement? Schema ~ what about controlled vocabularies? Users ~ what are their access needs Interface ~ how many access points? Data ~ what are the opportunities for user engagement? Media ~ what are the elements of interactivity? Access ~ what can we learn from the semantic web?.... old questions, new answers JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY
This is our context!.... OPAC as discovery interface JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY Context aware: Points on the curriculum Points on the interest continuum Capacity to support learning discovery! Access aware: Interfaces to support searching and discovery Search aware: Natural, predictive, responsive Results aware: Multimodal, multi-depository, relevant, filtered How do you stack up?
Strategic directions for school libraries!.... today’s novelty is tomorrow’s norm JUDY O ’ CONNELLCHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY Are you prepared? New skills New knowledge New metadata New open access New global connections New learning community