Digital Archiving Solutions for the Entertainment Industry August 2010
Not in an easily accessible digital format. Not searchable across the entire library. Not sharable “on demand” for internal or external purposes (e.g. instantly available for scouts.) Current sharing methods are expensive (DVD production) and one-way – lack of feedback, usage metrics and analytics, and often not outside the walls of the archive as broadly as possible. Internal platform development would be expensive: web-based digital media solutions often not core to the expertise of internal staff. “Insourced” solutions often require years of development, and would divert staff from game- related activities. THE CHALLENGE More than any other organizations, entertainment companies are the stewards of a vast amount of high-quality historical content, but much of it remains underutilized: August
A digital video-on-demand platform, integrating streaming video with fully indexed video segmentation, rich technical and contextual metadata (written by humans and imported from data services), synchronized transcripts for infinitely granular search, as well as tools for internal and external collaboration: THE SOLUTION Incorporate video, audio, images, documents across all functions within your organization. Fully indexed, descriptive contextual metadata to discover “hidden” assets. Assets can be “attached” to other assets as source material. Fully transcribed content is synchronized to the video on a timecode accurate basis. Role-based permissions and views. Create virtual segments to be “saved” to folders, and share internally and externally. August
Although by no means exhaustive, basic customization to the platform for our clients is shown below: BASIC PLATFORM FEATURES: SEARCH RESULTS August
Advanced search capabilities are customized to a sport, league or team metadata database, which conforms to your internal nomenclature and standards. BASIC PLATFORM FEATURES: ADVANCED SEARCH From simple advanced search…… to more detailed taxonomic structures. August
Videos returned in search results are launched into secure player for viewing, basic editing and sharing – interface “pops out” with graying effect to allow quick jump-back to current search: BASIC PLATFORM FEATURES: VIDEO PLAYER August
Video Segments Customizable tabs with program information, transcripts and attachments – can be modified to fit any requirements: PLATFORM FEATURES: CUSTOM APPLICATION TABS Attachments Synchronized Transcripts August