International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research updated June
ISPOR promotes the science of pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical outcomes, economic outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes) and facilitates the translation of this research into useful information for healthcare decision-makers to ensure that society allocates scarce health care resources wisely, fairly and efficiently. ISPOR Mission
ISPOR embraces health care researchers ISPOR embraces health care researchers ISPOR embraces all health technology assessors, government health technology regulators & payers of health care including governments, insurers, and other health care payers who use health care outcomes research information in their decisions. ISPOR embraces all health technology assessors, government health technology regulators & payers of health care including governments, insurers, and other health care payers who use health care outcomes research information in their decisions. ISPOR embraces health care providers who use health care outcomes research information in the practice of evidence-based medicine. ISPOR embraces health care providers who use health care outcomes research information in the practice of evidence-based medicine. ISPOR embraces patients who use health care outcomes research information in their health care decisions and who request their health care providers and payers use health care outcomes research information. ISPOR embraces patients who use health care outcomes research information in their health care decisions and who request their health care providers and payers use health care outcomes research information. ISPOR Scope
Strategic Outreach Patients (Recipients of Health Care) Health Care Providers Health Care Payers Health Care Regulators & Tech Assessors Health Care Researchers Patients HEALTH CARE DECISIONS RESEARCH EXCELLENCE GLOBAL OUTREACH EDUCATION
Global Outreach ISPOR Chapters Around the World
Meetings in North America Global Outreach
Meeting Registration: North America Global Outreach
Meetings in Europe Global Outreach
Meeting Registration: Europe Global Outreach
Meetings in Asia Pacific and Latin America Global Outreach
Publications in development
Education ISPOR Short Courses Prior to All Meetings
Education Online Education at
ISPOR Provides Tools for Researchers Research Excellence - Tools
ISPOR Good Outcomes Research Practices Research Excellence - Tools
Good Research Practice Example ISPOR Good Outcomes Research Practices Research Excellence - Tools
ISPOR Outcomes Research Digest Electronic database of over 1400 research studies from ISPOR meetings Research Excellence - Tools
ISPOR International Digest of Databases Directory of databases searchable by key attributes Research Excellence - Tools
ISPOR Health Outcomes Research Index of Open Source Code Research Excellence - Tools
Health Care Decisions – Tool ISPOR Provides Tools for Decision-Makers
Global Health Care Systems Road Map Overview of country specific health systems and reimbursement processes Health Care Decisions - Tools
Pharmacoeconomic Guidelines Comparative table of key attributes for country specific pharmacoeconomic guidelines Health Care Decisions - Tools
HTA Directory Centralized information on worldwide organizations engaged in Health Technology Assessment Health Care Decisions - Tools
Online Press Release Program Health Care Decisions - Tools Patient-friendly information on health care studies published in Value in Health and other ISPOR publications
ISPOR promotes outcomes research and its use in evidence-based health care decisions Translated to Evidence-based Health care Decisions Outcomes Research