The social slide sharing marketplace. is THE slide-sharing Web Site for industry leaders, field experts and professionals on the Net Today.
The database is being populated everyday by professional conference slide presentations held everyday around the world by our conference network partners.
Slidejar provides keyword searchable access to the cutting edge knowledge contained in these PowerPoint presentations.
Search results are delivered at a slide level!
Archive, search or share individual slides with your colleagues on any device, anytime anywhere.
Make new presentations on the fly and share them instantly. Grab a slide, mix it with yours.
Sure it may cost you a couple of BEENZ to Grab just the slide you’re looking for BUT If a member grabs one of your slides you earn BEENZ currency.
SlideJar uses a proprietary algorithm to remember the content from each PowerPoint™ slide in a PowerPoint™ deck. By keyword searching, SlideJar quickly finds the relevant content from a database of PowerPoint presentations.
Contact Us Today Reuben Tozman