Generation of short pulses Jörgen Larsson, Fysiska Instutionen Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Generation of short pulses Cavity modes Locked cavity modes Time-bandwidth product Active mode-locking Acousto-optic modulation Passive modelocking Hybrid modelocking techniques Kerr lens modelocking SESAM Synchrnously pumped dye lasers Distributed feedback lasers Fiber lasers Short-pulse accelerator sources Group velocity dispersion Group velocity dispersion compensation Prism compressor Chirped mirrors
Representation of short pulses Gaussian pulses Carrier EnvelopeAmplitude Frequency
Representing ”chirp”
Group velocity dispersion
Modes in a cavity Gain profile (Gain) bandwidth Mode spacing
Fresnel diagrams
Time-bandwidth product
Time-bandwidth product- How short pulses can we get? FWHM of the intensity in the temporal domain
Time-bandwidth product- How short pulses can we get? FWHM of the intensity in the spectral domain Next we determine the width in the spectral plane
Time-bandwidth product- How short pulses can we get? Now lets calculate the time-bandwidth product for a gaussian (unchirped) pulse If the pulse is chirped it is wider in the temporal domain
Time-bandwidth product- How short pulses can we get? Task for the interested student: A Ti:Sapphire laser operating at 800 nm has a 120 nm FWHM spectrum. What is the shortest pulse we can get from this laser?
Classes of methods for modelocking Active modelocking: From an active component in the cavity (typically an optic modulator driven by an RF-frequency) Passive Modelocking From a passive component in the cavity (Saturable absorber, kerr lens......)
Active modelocking Acousto-optic modulation
Generation of sidebands in an AOM Optical wave Acoustic wave Optical wave in presence of acoustic wave
Generation of sidebands in an AOM (travelling wave) If a<<1 Euler’s formulae
Generation of sidebands in an AOM (travelling wave-strong Rf- field)
Generation of sidebands in an AOM (standing wave) If a<<1 Euler’s formulae
Active modelocking Fig 3.7
Active modelocking Fig 3.8
Passive modelocking Saturable absorber Fig 3.12
Passive modelocking Saturable absorber Fig 3.13
Gain vs intensity Fig 3.14
Passive modelocking
Passive modelocking-saturable absorber Fig 3.17
Passive modelocking Saturable absorber
Passive modelocking Kerr lens
Passive modelocking - Saturable semiconductor mirror (SESAM)
Synchronous pumping
Frequency filtering
Passive modelocking-saturable absorber Fig 3.19
Hybrid modelocking Fig 3.20
Hybrid modelocking Fig 3.21
Titanium Sapphire energy level diagram
Passive modelocking-Kerr lens (early design)
Modern Titanium Sapphire laser