2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May 15-21 Optical properties of the output of a high-gain, self-amplified free- electron laser Yuelin Li Advanced Photon.


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Presentation transcript:

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Optical properties of the output of a high-gain, self-amplified free- electron laser Yuelin Li Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Self Amplified free electron laser Continuously tunable Produce reliable coherent X-ray radiation

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May The low-energy undulator test line FEL: future ALFF 6 Hz, 0.5 ps, 50  nm Milton et al., Science 292, 2037 (2001)

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May The facility and application experiment Single Photon Ionization or Resonant Ionization at Threshold FEL undulator hall Li et al., PRL (2002).

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May The FROG experiment at 530 nm

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May The field of a SASE FEL (by solving Green’s function) is [S. Krinsky and Z. Huang, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, (2003).] Temporal structure: Analysis   resonant frequency  t coherence length   /  z electron beam energy chirp Goodman, Statistical Optics, (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985), p. 35. S. Krinsky, PRSTAB 6, (2003). Summing of random phasors: Chaotic light

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Interest in temporal structure Experimental data Simulation Analytical theory

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Li et al., PRL (2003). Temporal structure: spike width and spacing  = 52 fs Follow statistics for chaotic light exactly.

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Li et al., PRL (2003). Derivative of phase (frequency)   = rad/fs Each intensity spike is a coherence mode.

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Frequency domain statistics correlation with time domain Phase derivative Spike number correlation between time and frequency domain Each spike in freq domain is a coherence mode The number of spikes in the two domains are statistically one to one.

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Frequency domain statistics correlation with time domain Envelope   2.42    2/T  m freq       (1/2  t )/(2/T)  T/4  t  m time Number of spikes in time and frequency domain T=4m  t T=2m/  

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May SASE FEL output is chaotic: fully coherent transversely, but only partially coherent longitudinally Through measurement of the spectra, one can statisticall determine the temporal domain property, the most important one is the pulse duration for the future X-ray sources. Also the first time a chaotic light source is fully characterized. Conclusion

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Chaotic light Candles + incandescent lights but with longer coherence length and a single spatial mode. Each time spike represents a coherence region. The sun Stars SASE FELs are chaotic light sources……

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May Seeding a SASE for better ……. Better longitudinal coherence/coherence control Shorter pulse duration/Pulse shaping Partly losing tunability…… scheme demonstrated at Brookhaven National Lab

2004 CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco, May J. Lewellen, V. Sajaev, K.-J. Kim, S. V. Milton, O. Makarov, R. Dejus (ANL) S. Krinsky (BNL) Z. Huang (SLAC) Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Contract No. W ENG-38. Acknowledgements