Welcome to Queen Anne Medical Laser
What is Laser Hair Removal? It’s a method of permanent hair reduction. It can be done on any area of the body. It works best on hair that is brown or black. Electrolysis is an option for white, gray, or very blond hair.
How is Laser Hair Removal Done? Laser is light of a single wave length that is attracted to the pigment(melanin) in the hair follicle. The heat energy of the laser beam destroys the base of the follicle being treated.
Who can perform Laser? In observance of Washington State law, Laser treatments can be done only by licensed providers: RNs, ARNPs, PAs, MDs, or Master Estheticians. Plus, you have to be specially trained in Laser administration.
Who responds best to laser? Laser energy is best attracted to brown or black hair. Some people with light brown hair respond to laser. Gray, light blond, red, or white hair does not respond to laser.
Who should NOT use Laser? People who have used Accutane in the past 6 months People who don’t heal well or have impaired immune systems People who are taking blood thinners People with open lesions or infections at the time of treatment People with a history of keloid scar formation or skin photosensitivity reactions
What Method of Laser Do We Use? We have the Vectus Laser by Cynosure – the fastest Laser available for hair reduction. The Vectus is used only for hair reduction – no other purpose. It can be used on any area of the body: any hair – anywhere!
Does it hurt? Laser may feel like heat or a stinging sensation Some areas of the body are very sensitive, e.g., the upper lip Prescription-strength numbing cream is available at no extra charge.
What problems could I have after Laser? Allergic reaction to medications used Initial skin redness and mild discomfort Swelling, peeling, ingrown hairs Pigment changes Scarring Acne or herpes (cold sore) breakouts (Ask us for a prescription if you have a history of oral herpes.)
You can help yourself before and between laser treatments by… Drinking plenty of water before and after laser treatments Staying out of the sun! Using a moisturizer Using sunscreen Avoiding hot tubs and excess heat.
How many treatments will I need? Most people will require 6-8 treatments for maximal hair reduction. Allow 4-6 weeks between treatments. Many people elect to do a yearly touch-up as well. Much depends on your hair type and your personal goals for hair reduction.
Will the hair grow back? Hairs treated in the Anagen or Active Phase will be most impacted. Newly-treated hairs are expected to be expelled from the skin in 7-30 days. Hairs in the resting phase continue to grow, but will be treated at a later visit.
How will my skin look and feel right after treatment? Here are common reactions: Mild swelling or puffiness Erythema (pinkness) Warmth Slight burning or stinging BUT ALL OF THESE CAN BE HELPED BY ICE PACKS, 1% CORTISONE CREAM, ALOE LOTION OR A MOISTURIZER!
And we will give you a page of thorough aftercare instructions before you leave.
What are my other options? Method of Hair Removal Tweezing Waxing Sugaring Mechanical Plucking Bleaching Shaving Electronic Tweezers Depilatories (chemical) Possible Disadvantages These are temporary, and must be continued indefinitely, and may even stimulate hair growth Can cause ingrown and infected hair follicles Can be irritating to the skin
What about Electrolysis? Electrolysis will be your answer to permanent hair removal if you have white, gray, light blond, or red hair. It’s less expensive per treatment, but takes more time. We offer electrolysis here also. Ask for more information.
We hope we can be of help! Queen Anne Medical Electrolysis & Laser 200 W. Mercer #104 Seattle, WA Phone