The Laser-War Game Author: Hongliang Zhang Lambton College
JAVA GAME Consists of two parts, Server and Client Server jar file: JGameServer.jar Client files: JGameClient.jar and a folder resources contains pictures and sound files for the game.
How To Run The Game Server java –jar JGameServer.jar Default port: 8998 To set another port, for example, 8000 java –Dport=8000 –jar JGAmeServer.jar
How To Run The Game Client Unzip the file to get JGameClient.jar and the folder resources java –jar JGameClient.jar Default connection to IDEVUSR011.FRANKENI.COM:8998 An IBM iServer with the server program already running on it
How To Run The Game To set another host and port, for example, :8000 java –Dhost= –Dport=8000 – jar JGameClient.jar
Game Introduction One game played by two players Each player control one spaceship to attack the other. The Server can supports may games at the same time. They are based on
Game Introduction One space ship has 30 energy. If got shot by the other, it would lose one. If reached zero, it would lose the game. Speed Default speed is 3. Pressing up-key to accelerate. Pressing down-key to slow down. Limit: -9 To +9
keybroad Up key: Accelerate Down key: Slow down Left key: Turn left Right key: Turn right Space key: Laser attack A gaming keyboard like Logitech G11 to support 3-key input.
Game Start ! Two players play the same game. The first player create a new game. The second join it. java – –Dport=xxxx – jar JGameClient.jar
First Player Screen
The First Player Screen The window title Laser-War Game ID: 1014 When the second player join the same game, he must choose the game id The spaceship could not move until the second player come in. But it could be turned and shooting.
The Second Player Screen
Select the game id 1014 that was created by the first player.
Gaming Both players are in the game now! The first player can move his spaceship! Sounds Effect!
Enjoy It