Low-Power Laser Deformation of an Air-Liquid Interface Olivier Emile Janine Emile 光電四 簡瑋德
Equipment Temperature: 21 °C T1: glass tube T2: glass tube D : beam profile analyzer Laser: 20 mW argon laser λ=514 nm HWP:half wave plate
total internal reflaction
vary Water layer with a thickness varying from 0.4(cm) to 2(cm) change the linear polarization of the light varied the laser power from 1 to 20 (mW) the angle of incidence
TE (Transverse Electric field) Mode: 其入射光波的電場與入射面垂直
TM (Transverse Magnetic field) Mode: 其入射光的磁場與入射面垂直
(a): mirror reflection without water (b),(c): total reflection on water
Gaussian Beams
J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley, New York, 1998), 3rd ed. 為線性極化光在全反射的過程中經歷一小段位移
David K Cheng,Field and Wave of Electromagnetics - 2ed 2006
δ: Goos Hanchen shift R: the radius of curvature
耿繼業. 合建娃. 《幾合光學》.2012
(a): mirror reflection without water (b),(c): total reflection on water
rheology biophysics optofluidics
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