Product Design This course was introduced four years ago. It involves designing and making products. Looking at design and designers. Using materials which could include wood, metal and or plastic to make products.
Your Teachers Mr Yule – BEd Hons – 23 years experience teaching all areas of Design Technology Mr Zierer – BSc Hons Engineering – 16 years in business as an engineer and 14 years teaching Resistant Materials
The Year 10 Course DESIGN SKILLS Looking at designers, consumer needs and designing skills, drawing techniques and using industry standard drawing software (Google sketch-up and 2d designer)
MAKING SKILLS The Year 10 Course Refined through a series of small design and make projects. This encourages pupils to use their creative skills in a variety of materials and processes. They will gain experience with hand tools and industrial techniques through to machine tools and computer aided design / manufacture CAD/CAM / 3D Printing / laser cutting and Pewter Casting
Some examples of pewter casting and 3d printing The Year 10 Course
KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING The Year 10 Course Is achieved by learning about: Materials and how to shape and to join them together. Processes involved in making a product. Design and Designers. Consumer needs. Health and safety. Smart materials and CAD/CAM/CNC. Making 3 short highly focused projects.
Controlled Assessment Task 60% OF THE FINAL MARKS A single design-and-make activity set by AQA. They select one project from a choice of tasks. This is supported by a high quality design e-folder consisting of: 25 – 35 slides of e-portfolio work. (no hand writing) Folder and product should be constructed over 45 hours.
Exam 40% 0F THE FINAL MARK 90 minute exam Section ASection A 30 marks- A design question based on context supplied before the exam. Section BSection B 90 marks- questions based on knowledge gained in the year 10 and 11 work, and throughout the KS3 modules.
Why Choose Product Design? Encourages creativity. Fully prescriptive lessons. Learn as you do. Student text books available. Exemplar work available. Wide variety of activities. Challenging and most of all…..Fun.
A Quick Recap a. 2 year course with GCSE discipline from day one. b. Year 10 is quick projects in wood, plastic and pewter - GCSE starts in Spring Term. c. Focus on 3D printing/ Laser cutting for GCSE using Google Sketch up. d. PD is an academic course with a high focus on design movements and designers. e. 40% marks from coursework, 40% from exam, 20% for making. f. First choice for students who wish to pursue a career in engineering, architecture, graphics or design.
Where can a Product Design GCSE take you ? A* to B students can go on to take Product Design at A level. Thence onto University to read BSc and BA Product Design. ……or any number of engineering, architecture, automotive, design and technical BSc courses.
ANY QUESTIONS ? PRODUCT DESIGN Designing Products – using any combination of materials including wood, metal, plastic and smart materials.