Shaohui Huang, Boliang Wang, Xiaoyang Huang
Traditional Active Contour (Snake) Gradient Vector Flow Snake (GVF Snake) SEGMENT CT IMAGES Edge map generation Contour initialization Maximum force angle map
The GVF field is defined to be a vector field V(x,y) = (u(x,y),v(x,y)), it comes from the force balance condition by replace the potential force with V(x,y), then we rewrite as
V(x,y) is defined such that it minimizes the energy functional where f(x,y) is the edge map of the image. GVF field can be obtained by solving following equations
Edge map generation Contour initialization Maximum force angle map
Gaussian function with sigma = 1
Two errors with this contour Over-segment of the liver Caused by the blur boundary. Error convergence inside the liver Caused by the fake boundary.
Canny edge detector
The contour cannot cross the bottleneck of the liver.
Let u, v stand for two GVF forces. Note that u, v are vectors. The angle θ formed by u, v can be calculated as: A maximum force angle MFA at the coordinate (m,n) is defined as: