Computer Programming with Robots
Computer programming consists of writing lines of code in a language that a computer will understand to solve a problem Some computer languages include: Java, C++, and Python Computer Programming with Robots Slide 1/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games What is Programming? |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 2/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games What is Programming? Computer science can solve problems ranging from adding numbers together to operating a rover on Mars At Georgia Tech all students are required to take at least one course in computer science in order to graduate |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 3/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games The Scribbler Robot $2 million program funded by Microsoft, Georgia Tech, and Bryn Mawr to encourage students to learn computer science At Georgia Tech, the robot program is centered at the Microsoft IPRE Lab (Institute for Personal Robots in Education) |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 4/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games The Scribbler Robot Introduction to Programming with Robots or CS 1301 is the computer science course for non-engineering majors We used Python to talk to our robots and have them make noises, move, take pictures, draw, and explore their surroundings |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 5/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games The Scribbler Robot The robot runs on six AA batteries and uses two big wheels and a smaller wheel to steer The robot’s camera dongle connects to a laptop computer via Bluetooth and allows a programmer to give commands |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 6/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games Sound and Motion Two commands tell the robot to make noise: beep and speak beep() takes in information about the number of seconds and frequency of a note beep(1,440) plays A one second speak() takes in a message in quotes speak(“Hello”) |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 7/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games Sound and Motion The robot’s motors power the large wheels and allow the robot to move motors(1,1) forward full speed motors(0.5,0.5) forward half motors(-1,-1) backward motors(0,0)/stop() motors(1,-1) spin |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 8/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games Camera and Sensors The camera on the dongle allows the robot to take pictures and even movies pic = takePicture() show(pic) savePicture(pic,”pic.jpg”) |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Computer Programming with Robots Slide 9/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games Camera and Sensors The robot has a series of different sensors to obtain information from surroundings IR sensors locate various obstacles Light sensors measure light levels |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech
Dance Photography Tick Tack Toe Color Recognition Computer Programming with Robots Slide10/10 What is Programming? The Scribbler Robot Sound and Motion Camera and Sensors Programs and Games |Michelle Delcourt|Georgia Tech