Computer Assisted Translation CAT Alexander C. Wu
Agenda 1. Market 2. CAT Tools 3. Motivation 4. Terminology
1. Market Major Target Fields Technical Medical Legal Fixed Terminology Set Phrases Repetitive
2. CAT Tools CAT = Computer Assisted Translation CAT tools are NOT Machine Translation Aid, not replace, human translators Recycle translated phrases or sentences Consistency Terminology Management Save time, concentrate on revision
3. Motivation Translation companies require experience with CAT tools CAT training programs, real or online, virtually non-existent Most translators must learn on own Almost all source texts are given in digital format; most prevalent format: PDF Know Adobe Acrobat; group management
CAT Components CAT Tool AnalysisInterfaceTM dBExport
4. Terminology TM – Translation Memory Essentially, it is a (relational) database. TU – Translation Unit “The cat is black.” = “El gato es negro.” Full match = 100% match Fuzzy match = 75% to 99% No match = <75%
Terminology Alignment – Creation of a translation memory database based on an already translated document by matching segments (phrases) of the source text to the target text. Leveraging - Amount of material that has already been translated when compared with the content of a new file that is to be translated.
Process Align translations: build TM dB Analyze text against TM for leverage Edit and translate Update TM new terms and for consistency Desktop publishing Client Review
Translation Process DTP Project Review Quote Translate Revise Translation Start
Popular CAT tools RankFreelanceCorporateStudent Trados 1$795$5000$400 SDLX $595$300 Déjà Vu 3$603$2768 Transit Although CAT tools appear to be expensive, they are a sound investment, like good reference dictionaries.
Resources Bowne Global Solutions Trados SDL Déjà Vu
Resources Terminology: List of tools: translation.html TM - What and How s.html