Computer Assisted Instruction Chapter 8 b
Computer based multi-media w Hypermedia-uses elements of text, graphics, video, and audio connected so that the user can easily move from one section to another and to one difficulty level to another. w Advantages: engrossing (deep involvement), multisensory, connections (sounds associated with the pictures), individualized, students can create their own multimedia files.
Many literature-based multisensory programs exist. w Lessons contain literature, music, math, art, and science activities. Fairy tales realistic fiction science fiction biography historical fiction.
Word processing packages: w Offer students an opportunity to express their opinions about books w Word choice is expanded by the instant thesaurus. Writing the vocabulary word helps to internalize its meaning. w Written passages are easily rewritten, improved, and edited.
Using the word processor adds keyboarding to the curriculum. w Students are taught to type as quickly as they write: about 15 wpm. w This involves about six weeks of keyboarding practice 30 m/wk. Packaged lessons such as Mavis Beacon work well. w Instruction in the use of editing tools: cut paste, etc. also take away writing time.
Teachers could write their own instructional software. w Studymate offers drill and practice for content area facts. w Spelling programs can be tailor made to individual words. Spelling errors are collected from the writing. A individual list is made and students learn to spell these words.
4 Kinds of Computer Software: w 1. Drill and practice- w 2. Tutorial- w 3. Simulation- w 4. Learning game-
Instructional Principles involving computer software: w Plan for CAI (computer assisted instruction) w Students should have interaction with the computer. w Tell the students the objective of the lesson. w Vary the programs; monitors students for on-task behavior. w Students work well in pairs at the computer.
Summary w Effective teachers of reading use a variety of materials and instructional procedures. w The Basic reader uses current research and offers: developmental reading and application transfer. w Other means are necessary for recreational reading, content reading and functional reading.
4 method of teaching reading: w Basal readers w Literature based programs w Whole language philosophy w Individualized reading