Computer Science as a Career Dr. Martine Ceberio, Professor at UTEP Ibero Academy’s Career Day, May 15, 2014
A little about me… X Where were you born? X Where did you grow up? X What school did you attend? X What did you study? X Where have you worked? X What is your career? X What are your responsibilities? X What advice do you have for the students? X What should every student know and do to be successful?
Where did I work?
Where else did I work?
And then, straight to UTEP!
My job, in a nutshell Professor: I teach Computer Science Researcher: I look for new and better ways to do stuff (more on this later ) Other activities include: Outreach Travel
But… What is Computer Science about??? What is a computer scientist? Software engineer? Software architect? Etc.??? CS is about solving problems / building things that happen to need computers, like: … Games: on computers, WII, iPhone, iPad, etc. & Movies Weather forecast: a lot of computations!!! Helps predict catastrophes! Medicine: detect diseases, guide surgery with robots…
What are computer scientists like? Problem solvers Entrepreneurs Inventors Coders Leaders Techies Designers Innovators WHO ARE YOU?
Who can be a computer scientist? Everyone! YOU! HOW???
Getting started / fun activities! Lightbot: Control a robot = program your computer Flappy birds: Program your own flappy bird game!!! Scratch: Program your own video, your own game, just like you play with Legos
Pieces of Advice or… How to be successful? Pick what you like, not what you are told Explore many areas to find what you really like Everything can be learned Use resources (people, web, etc.) Be proactive, be passionate! There is no age to start Computer Science!