The importance of Online and Computer aided assessment in E-Learning E.C Makazhe – Computer Science
Table of Contents Introduction Literature search Problem Statement Online and Computer aided assessment Methods of Inquiry Summary of Findings Recommendations Conclusion
During the last decade, academic workloads have been perceived to be growing in all aspects of the learning/teaching process. Not surprisingly, therefore, the potential for using computers to aid assessment is attracting increasing interest from educationalists. Introduction
Literature search Graham, D. (2004) -:” Use of OCAA results in significant efficiency gains as well as offering the potential to motivate students, thus enhancing their learning experience”
Problem Statement For the past years face-to-face mode of teaching has been used in many institutions therefore introducing Online and Computer aided Assessment (OCAA) is still challenging to most institutions.
Online and Computer aided assessment Online and Computer Aided Assessment (OCAA) is described as any instance in which some aspect of computer technology is deployed as part of the assessment process. Online and Computer-Aided Assessment or Online and Computer-Assisted Assessment (OCAA) offers a variety of formative and summative assessment opportunities, which can be electronically delivered, submitted, marked and evaluated.
Methods of Inquiry In order to establish students’ opinions regarding both assessment methods I gave 40 1 st year Computer Science students who were familiar with OCAA and using written paper. The questionnaire comprised of some of the following questions-:
What is your age? Prior to using OCAA, how did you rate your confidence in the on-line system as a method of assessment? Prior to using OCAA, how did you rate your confidence in using written paper answers as a method of assessment? What actual limitations did you encounter when using the OCAA? Methods of Inquiry (continued)
Findings Results from the survey clearly showed that the age group was between years and about 70% of them preferred OCAA to using written paper.
Recommendations In order to implement fully OCAA institutions should-: Explain clearly the advantages of using Online and Computer aided assessment. Educate staff and students on how use the resources. Make sure there are enough resources for everyone to use(computers).
Conclusion Online and Computer aided assessment is important since students can see from feedback and results if their assessment performance is improving and in see what to do straight away. It is our hope to bring awareness of the benefits e-learning can bring to our education system