Note-Taking and Learning: Computer vs. Pen and Paper Christopher Devers Jessica Hoffman Christine Lee Emily Ragsdale
Why Study Note-Taking Methods? Classroom laptop use is on the rise (Fried, 2008) Little research investigates computer learning to alternate methods of learning Studies have found contradictory results on the effectiveness of laptop use in the classroom (Rockman et al., 1997, 1998, 2000; Fried, 2008)
Past Research Laptop immersion programs have displayed positive results on student learning and curriculum delivery (Rockman et al., 1997, 1998, 2000) Classroom laptop use has also been correlated with a decrease in performance (Fried, 2008) Multitasking on computers during class has resulted in lower test scores (Sana et al., 2013)
Current Study Evaluates the effectiveness of computer use in the classroom when compared to alternate methods of learning Investigates the influence of computer vs. pen and paper note-taking on information retention for students Controls for variables that might be related to low performance with computer use (i.e., multitasking)
Research Question Is computer note-taking more effective than pen and paper note- taking in students’ ability to retain information?
Method Undergraduate Students (N=58) Computer Note- Taking (N=28) Pretest Video and Computer Notes Posttest Pen/Paper Note- Taking (N=30) Pretest Video and Pen/Paper Notes Posttest
Study Design Undergraduate students from University of San Diego and Indiana Wesleyan University (N=58)
Example Questions Define the following terms: Capillary Atrium Answer the following questions to the best of your ability: Which artery carries deoxygenated blood? Why is your right ventricle less muscular than your left ventricle? Why is it that often, when the heart stops functioning properly, it is the failure of the left ventricle (not the right ventricle)? Adapted from Chi et al. (2001)
Results t (58)= 0.58, p = 0.56 Preliminary results indicate no significant differences between computer note-taking ( M = 2.13, SD = 1.78) and pen and paper note-taking ( M = 1.86, SD = 1.84)
Conclusions We gained a better understanding of when and how to use computers in the classroom Findings may indicate: Computer usage for only note-taking may not detract from student learning Rather, it is they way in which students use their computers in class Remaining data is still being analyzed
Limitations Difficulty level of the test content Potential for test fatigue due to the length of the study Small number of participants
Future Research Evaluate the ways in which students are using computers in class Continue to control for variables causing distraction Combine concurrent self-explanation with various learning methods
References Chi, M., Siler, S., Jeong, H., Yamauchi, T., & Hausmann, R. (2001). Learning from human tutoring. Cognititve Science, 25, Fried, C. B. (2008). In-class laptop use and its effects on student learning. Computers & Education, 50 (3), Rockman et. al. (1997). Report of a laptop program pilot: A project for Anytime Anywhere Learning by Microsoft Corporation Notebooks for Schools by Toshiba America Information Systems. San Francisco, CA: Rockman et al. Rockman et al. (1998). Powerful tools for schooling: Second year study of the laptop program – A project for Anytime Anywhere Learning by Microsoft Corporation Notebooks for Schools by Toshiba America Information Systems. San Francisco, CA: Rockman et al. Rockman et al. (2000). A more complex picture: Laptop use and impact in the context of changing home and school access – the third in a series of research studies on Microsoft’s Anytime Anywhere Learning program San Francisco, CA: Rockman et al. Sana, F., Weston, T., & Cepeda, N. (2013). Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computers & Education, 62, Tugend, A. (2008). Multitasking can make you lose... um... focus. The New York Times. Retrieved from