Incorporating Computer-based Instruction Improves Children's Reading Skills By: Paola Tolentino
Education and Technology History In 1932 the keyboard “QWERTY” is created. In 1951 little technology is introduced to public schools. In 1958 National Defense Education Act brought some new money for education. Computers were only used in vocational schools.
More… In 1962 the first graphical computer game is launched “Spacewar”. In 1984, 31 states were using 31,000 PCs for guidance. In 2005 Prometheus opens, first virtual world wide university. In 2010 the use of electronic textbooks is widespread in US schools.
The Importance of Teaching with Technology Children who received reading intervention program with computer materials are able to recognize letters and have more phonological awareness. Children who learn how to read through inquiry and computer technologies are able to addressed a variety of other subjects. Children need to be prepare for the digital era.
Education and Technology Crucial Elements of the Learning Method : Budget Faculty Students
Budget! The federal government is investing in more computers for classrooms. The Recovery Act in 2010 provided $7.2 billion for broadband internet access and the expansion of computer center. Barack Obama is promoting technological ways in which students become familiar with technologies.
Education and Technology Expenses in Florida
Faculty! Based on ITEST instructors agreed on using technology to tech children how to read for several reasons: 1.Children can greatly benefit. 2.Reading software are more appealing to children than print material. 3.Easier to administer and control. 4.Highly motivational. 5.Easy to target different types of learner.
Teacher’s Internet Usage
Students! Children enjoy the interactive ways to learn with computer activities. They have showed to have a positive attitude towards learning in a technological environment.
Disadvantages: Technology tools are more expensive than traditional ways. Distraction among students. Technical difficulties. Instructors’ training process. Encourages sedentary lifestyle.
Soon from now… In 2017 students will learn about history via virtual reality. In 2030 computers completely replace textbooks.
The Future of Education it’s in Technology!
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