Exploring Computer Science Dan Lewis, Santa Clara University Sangeeta Bhatnagar, Evergreen Valley HS Eric Snow, SRI International 1
Employment Projections California will have an average of more than 20,000 job openings in computing each year for the next five years. Source: % 60% 5.6% 3.1% Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Computer Science will generate more job growth between now and 2018 than all other STEM fields combined.
Openings vs. Graduates Number of computer specialist job openings expected in U.S. by million Percentage of these that could possibly be filled by U.S. computing graduates 29% Source: NCWIT (2009). Women and Information Technology By the Numbers
Source: ACT Research, The Condition of Career and College Readiness: 2012
National Enrollments HS students who enroll in an Intro CS class HS students who enroll in AP CS class (offered in less than 10% of schools) Failing to attract women, racial minorities and the economically disadvantaged. 32% women 17% women 83% men 68% men 7.6% 2.1% Source: missing women 10.3% 3.5%
California Enrollments Source: Compiled by Lloyd McCabe of CDE based on Data Quest data
2011 California AP Test Takers Source: California has one of the lowest CS AP participation rates among all U.S. high school students
AP Test Takers: CS as % of Math Source: Silicon Valley 10% Dallas, Texas 26%
New CS Curricula Exploring CS Entry level course Prerequisite: Algebra I Funded by NSF 1 st taught in LAUSD CS Principles Second level course Funded by NSF 1 st Piloted in Designed to be AP course Supported by College Board CSTA K-12 CS Curriculum Standards
11 San Jose ECS Project PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS AND SCHOOLS ESUHSD Evergreen Oak Grove Santa Teresa Silver Creek Independence SJUSD San Jose Pioneer Willow Glen SCUSD Wilcox Santa Clara Sections Offered Students Enrolled (projected)